Don’t Conversations Illuminate Truth Too?
The process of writing — putting thoughts into words and sentences and paragraphs — clarifies our thinking in ways that dialogue simply cannot.
The process of writing — putting thoughts into words and sentences and paragraphs — clarifies our thinking in ways that dialogue simply cannot.
Doctrine and ethics are never far apart. The beliefs and views that lead distort one will inevitably corrupt the other.
The hope of heaven not only grants us comfort when we think of eternity, but also empowers our love for God and Neighbor today.
The resolve to keep moving forward in ministry doesn’t come from mere determination, but daily dependence on God’s amazing grace.
Sometimes the Bible confronts us and tears down our longstanding opinions. And although the process may hurt, being refined by God’s word is always worth the cost.
God’s world shines with his glory — and so does his word. Just as the heavens declare God’s greatness, so his word overflows with the beauty of his majesty.
When it comes to making God-honoring decisions, our greatest problem isn’t necessarily that we don’t think enough, but that we don’t have hearts and emotions that treasure God above all else.
As we study the Bible, we want to go deep into the details of specific texts, and we want to get a broad overview of the whole. How can we do both in a limited amount of time?
We need more pastors with both theological backbones of steel and compassionate hearts of warmth. In short, we need more pastors like our Lord Jesus Christ.
Should a parent share their past sins with a child to comfort or warn them? Or are parents better off just keeping their sins to themselves?