Ask Pastor John

What Christmas Is All About

Before it rings the bell of family, or charity, or gift-giving, or Saint Nick, Christmas sounds the trumpet of God’s salvation for sinners.

The Virgin Birth and Human Sexuality

If God called human sexuality good, along with the rest of creation, then why did he send Jesus to be born of a virgin?

Six Reasons to Skip Tattoos

Tattoos may appeal to Christians, even for missional reasons. Pastor John weighs the costs of tattoos against any benefits they offer.

Tattoos in Biblical Perspective

The question of tattoos involves more than law or culture. It touches the allegiance of our hearts.

Why Stoicism Is Toxic

Although emotionalism can lead churches into unhelpful practices and even abuse, emotionless churches are in greater danger. Pastor John explains why.

Where’s the Arminian John Piper?

If God does not sit at the center of your theology, your worship will fizzle out. He made you to delight in him.

Where Did All These Calvinists Come From?

What factors led to the current rise in Calvinism? Where does Pastor John fit into the picture?

I May Be Called to Missions — Where Do I Start?

If you feel the slightest tug to go with the gospel to the unreached peoples of the world, here are seven steps to speed you on your way.

Muslims vs. Christians on the Sovereignty of God

Whereas Allah can act capriciously, the Bible assures believers that God’s sovereignty works in perfect harmony with his justice and love.

Lessons from the Middle East

Pastor John relays lessons from his trip to the Middle East — The harvest is plentiful, the pastors need teachers, and God has opened the door for the gospel.

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