Ask Pastor John

Advice for Christian Loners

Pastor John encourages Christian loners — even those who have been hurt by the church — to pursue God in Christ-exalting friendships.

What Events in this World Echo in Eternity?

All of history details the story of God’s redemptive grace through Jesus Christ. We will not forget this story in heaven — we will rehearse it forever.

Do Christian Hedonists Idolize Joy?

Pastor John explains how Christian Hedonism avoids idolizing joy.

Dead To the World — What’s That?

Jesus surpasses whatever good the world has to offer. So rather than worship those good things, disciples of Jesus receive them as gifts.

Finding Joy When Life Hurts Most

The doctrine of God’s sovereignty doesn’t only mean that he controls everything, but that he controls everything for the good of his people.

God’s Supreme Happiness

Pastor John discusses how God’s sovereignty relates to joy in God.

The Danger of Deserting Community

How has God designed our community to help keep us in Christ? Pastor John unpacks God’s prescriptions of prayer and exhortation.

God’s Sovereignty over Evil in My Life

God does not traffic in futility or vanity. He intends all things, even terrible calamity, for the ultimate good of his people.

Does It Make God Evil to Ordain Evil?

Pastor John explains God’s sovereignty over evil acts without himself being evil.

Wisdom in Friendships with Non-Christians

How do we reconcile seemingly conflicting commands from Scripture to hang out with the corrupt and to befriend them like Jesus?

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