Fighting For The Faith

Building Up the Church

Building Up the Church by Gervase Charmley

Where Are the Wells?

00:08:01 Ryan LeStrange Where are the Wells?
00:34:06 Andrew Wommack God Wants You Well
01:05:10 Brian Houston Paupers to Princes
01:25:10 Sermon Review: Here to Make A Difference by John Cameron

Unilateral or Bilateral Covenant?

Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus – Unilateral or Bilateral Covenant?

Anatomy of a Rod Parsley Money Scam

00:08:14 Katie Souza How to Take Dominion in Your Region
00:21:08 Georgian Banov Heavy Hemorrhoid Issues
00:53:50 Rod Parsley & Coy Barker Anatomy of a Money Scam
01:26:05 Sermon Review: Accessing Heaven by David McCrackens

The Biblical Case for Cessationism

The Biblical Case for Cessationism by Phil Johnson

Delilah Spirit Seeks to Blind Seers

00:08:24 Miranda Nelson Loses All Control of Herself
00:19:14 Charlie Shamp Dream of Harvest Angel
00:38:29 Jennifer LeClaire Delilah Spirit Seeks to Blind Seers
00:51:25 Banning Liebscher Release the Supernatural
01:21:34 Sermon Review: Visions & Revelations PT2 by Bob Jones & Mike Bickle

The Big Errors in Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry

00:12:10 Patricia King Discusses the RESTORATION of Apostles
00:42:56 Brian Simmons The Church is the Re-Incarnation of Christ
00:51:26 Asher Intrater & Ron Cantor The Big Errors in Apostolic & Prophetic Ministry
01:12:29 Sermon Review: Visions & Revelations PT1 by Bob Jones & Mike Bickle

Redemption: The Eternal Plan of God

Redemption: The Eternal Plan of God by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Let Your Anointing Pop

00:11:50 Ed Young Life Is A Circus
00:43:17 Victoria Osteen Realign Your Focus to Stay On Course
00:58:20 Joel Osteen The Chain Breaker
01:14:59 Sermon Review: Let Your Anointing Pop by David Crank

When Water Spirits Attack!

00:07:58 Kathie Walters Water Spirits
00:21:22 Andy Piggot Being A Kowhai Tree Church
00:47:46 Michael Maiden Curse Breakers
01:13:21 Sermon Review: The Gift of Doubt by Jason Morris

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