Fighting For The Faith

Original Pollution

Original Pollution by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Beth Moore is Clueless About the Promised Land

00:10:09 William Tapley Q Anon Can’t Explain Trump’s Strange Blackout
00:17:31 Steve Cioccolanti Prophecy News Watch
00:37:13 Katherine Rounala Speak Life Over Your Circumstances
00:52:49 Beth Moore A Memorial in the Middle
01:08:29 Sermon Review: Giant Killing Grasshoppers by Matt Speer

Fight the False Narrative

Rosebrough’s Ramblings on Exodus – Fight the False Narrative

Igniting Hope When You’re at the End of Your Rope

00:07:49 Real Talk Kim Raising Dry Bones
00:22:41 Neil Smith Creating Room
00:56:12 T.D. Jakes Playing Catchup With Your Dreams
01:16:34 Sermon Review: Igniting Hope When You’re at the End of Your Rope by Tyler Gramling

God Talks to Perry Noble in the Shower?

00:09:22 Kay Nash How to Go to the Next Level
00:36:08 Kris Vallaton Claims Agabus Was an Inaccurate Prophet
00:54:12 Perry Noble Claims God Talks to Him In the Shower
01:12:00 Sermon Review: The Art of Emotion – Centering Prayer by Adam Houschka

The Character of a False Teacher

The Character of a False Teacher & The Apostolic Warning by Gervase Charmley

The Crucible Season

00:06:57 Micelle Corral The Gift of God-Given Greatness 00:22:10 Cindy Jacobs The Crucible Season00:43:59 Sadhu Selvaraj Four Critical Words For the Church00:51:04 Phil Pringle Vision Builder01:15:47 Sermon Review: Mission Impossible by Kerrick Thomas

Heaven's Best Kept Secret

Heaven’s Best Kept Secret by Phil Johnson

Live Fearless

00:07:46 Che Ahn Who Are the Apostles00:22:45 Jennifer LeClaire Warning of Water Spirits00:54:08 A.R. Bernard Claims White Privilege is Real01:18:15 Sermon Review: Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson

Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit by Lonnie Frisbee

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