Fighting For The Faith

Grit Takes Purpose?

00:06:37 – Hannah Adkins Grit Takes Purpose
00:57:56 – Chris Rosebrough The Second Adam Crushing the Head of the Serpent FOR YOU

Living a Clockwise Life

Steve Adams – Living a Clockwise Life

Why New Year's Resoutions Don't Work

Why New Year’s Resoutions Don’t Work

False Prophecy Extravaganza

False Prophecy Extravaganza
00:08:30 Keith Craft’s Prophetic Word Salad
00:48:10 Phil Pringle’s Failed 2020 Vision Prophecy
01:21:03 BONUS: Dr. Michael Brown’s False Youth Revival Prophecy from Brownsville

Todd Bentley Postmortem Part 3

Todd Bentley Postmortem Part 3 – The False Religion That Made Him and Sustained Him

How Were So Many Fooled by Bentley?

How Were So Many Fooled by Bentley?

Todd Bentley Was Never Qualified!

Todd Bentley Was Never Qualified!

Good vs. Bad Discernment

Pirate Gang Conversation | Good vs. Bad Discernment

The Lazarus Factor

Steven Furtick The Lazarus Factor

MESSED UP INTERVIEW with Robert Bowman

MESSED UP INTERVIEW with Robert Bowman

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