Grit Takes Purpose?
00:06:37 – Hannah Adkins Grit Takes Purpose
00:57:56 – Chris Rosebrough The Second Adam Crushing the Head of the Serpent FOR YOU
00:06:37 – Hannah Adkins Grit Takes Purpose
00:57:56 – Chris Rosebrough The Second Adam Crushing the Head of the Serpent FOR YOU
Steve Adams – Living a Clockwise Life
Why New Year’s Resoutions Don’t Work
False Prophecy Extravaganza
00:08:30 Keith Craft’s Prophetic Word Salad
00:48:10 Phil Pringle’s Failed 2020 Vision Prophecy
01:21:03 BONUS: Dr. Michael Brown’s False Youth Revival Prophecy from Brownsville
Todd Bentley Postmortem Part 3 – The False Religion That Made Him and Sustained Him
How Were So Many Fooled by Bentley?
Todd Bentley Was Never Qualified!
Pirate Gang Conversation | Good vs. Bad Discernment
Steven Furtick The Lazarus Factor
MESSED UP INTERVIEW with Robert Bowman