
Hug an Engineer

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Tastes Good

After we cover pregnant pauses and the evil of carbohydrates, we jump into a discussion about what it means to develop personal taste and style that reflects what you enjoy in a way that honors the Lord. Join us!
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I Just Want to Go Back

This week we talk about notes apps, bad church signs, and why rejecting modernity so often misses the boat of faithfulness. Join us!
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You Stew

This week we chat about elderberries, books worth reading, the fruit of the Spirit, and why dealing with your own sin is a blessing to everyone around you. Join us!
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How to Shipwreck Your Faith

This week we talk about the BEST ways to run aground as you steer your vessel heavenward. These are very trendy things to do in 2024, so let’s be on the lookout for them. Join us!
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Why Does Everyone Hate Me?

This week we talk about being hated. Are you hated, but it is all in your head? Are you hated for righteousness sake? Are you hated because you refuse to confess and repent? It is important to know the difference! Join us this week as we talk through what to do when “everyone” hates you.
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Shall We Speak Truth to a Dying World?

This week we chat evangelism as women: should we be on street corners or outside of clinics? Why do us crazy Calvinists even bother with evangelism if God’s people are all chosen anyway?
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Who’s to Blame?

This week we talk the prominent cultural excuse for sin – I’m a victim! – and how it does not square away with reality or how we are to deal with our sin. Join us!
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In Love with the World

Pleasure. Joy. A new piece of art to hang. Birthday gifts. These are fun things that we ought not hate. So how do we make sure we aren’t loving the world when so much in it is worth loving? Join us!
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(not another) Shepherds for Sale Interview with Megan Basham

You’ve heard the hoopla, so join us this week as we clear it up: what is with Megan Basham’s book, “Shepherds for Sale”? Why does it matter, even if your shepherd is clearly NOT for sale? And why are some forms of corruption more worth interrogation from the evangelical elites than others?
The post (not another) Shepherds for Sale Interview with Megan Basham appeared first on Sheologians.

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