In this episode the girls discuss the beauty of speaking directly and fearing God instead of man. How does this translate into the way we speak in our homes and raise our kids? Join us!
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Gossip & The Ninth Commandment
What is gossip anyway?! In this episode we take a close look at the 9th commandment and what it means to speak of others in a way that maintains love for neighbor.
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Bad Therapy Review
This week we discuss Abigail Shrier’s book, Bad Therapy, what secular education is doing to our children, and why depression, anxiety, or some other mental illness are treated as cultural prerequisites to be a part of the in-crowd.
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What About Sexual Assault?
In this episode the ladies talk about what feminism, #MeToo, and even the church has done in the conversation and work around dealing with sexual assault. Of course, the most important consideration in this discussion is what does God’s law have to say about these situations? Join us!
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