Free Stuff Fridays (TMAI)

Free Stuff Fridays (TMAI)

This week’s Free Stuff Fridays is sponsored by The Master’s Academy International (TMAI), who also sponsored the blog this week with the article “Your Invite to TMAI’s International Symposium.” They are giving away the e-book “How to Build an Effective Missions Program.”

Free E-Book Giveaway

This free giveaway is a succinct and important e-book titled “How to Build an Effective Missions Program.” It’s designed for pastors, but can be useful for any believer and will be given to everyone who enters.

“The seven steps below are intended to guide your missions leadership team through this process…Our goal is to aid you in making the necessary adjustments in order to ensure that your program is as biblical, God-honoring, and effective as it can be.”

Steps Discussed:

  • Understand the Motivation
  • Recognize Biblical Principles
  • Build Your Leadership Team
  • Devise Your Strategy
  • Communicate to the Church
  • Evaluate Your Current Program
  • Adjust Program as Necessary

“Ultimately, with your new missions strategy as a foundation, your congregation will be able to consider, within a biblical framework, what existing or new missions support opportunities best concur with your goals. As such, your church will be better equipped to maximize its efforts to glorify God and reach the world for Christ.”

The Story Behind the Book

“For over a decade, The Master’s Academy International has been helping to strengthen churches around the world by training indigenous church leaders to become approved pastor-teachers. That has been accomplished primarily by churches sending missionaries to establish and operate training centers in other countries. We are also committed to assisting sending churches by producing and collating resources that assist in the global missions endeavor.

As I have interacted with churches across the United States and around the world, I find that many are struggling with how to get involved in missions and sustain the effort through the years. I have spoken with many pastors who have come into a church to find either no missions effort or one that needs to be re-aligned with biblical priorities, but are unsure how to make this happen. I have spoken with elders who sense the need for their church to be less reactive and more proactive in the area of missions, but are not clear about how to go about it. TMAI desires to serve local pastors in asking and answering these questions: What should be our priorities in missions? What principles should govern our investment of time, people and money? How can we participate most effectively and efficiently in serving the church around the world?

This booklet is intended to…help churches to accomplish the task given by Christ in the Great Commission. We pray it will be useful to you as a pastor leading your church in thinking through the motivations and methods for carrying out the Church’s glorious mission.

Mark Tatlock
President, The Master’s Academy International”


Giveaway Rules: You enter—you win! You may enter one time only. By submitting your information, you agree to receive regular updates about the ministry of The Master’s Academy International. The giveaway closes on Friday, January 13, 2023, at midnight. Enter your information into the form HERE.

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