Gird Your Mind

Gird Your Mind

We must remain sober-minded, serious and focused in the conduct of our lives. Peter lifts our eyes to the horizon of our lives, calling us to focus on the return of our Lord Jesus. There we see a sure hope and an end to our struggles and suffering. The grace that’s brought us safe thus far is the grace that will bring us home. 

“gird up the loins of your mind” (1 Peter 1:13, NKJV)

The starting point for Christian living is the mind. We make up our mind whom we will follow – the living God or idols. We come to Christ through repentance and faith. In repentance we reject our own capability to save ourselves and our own proclivity to serve ourselves, and we embrace Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

The most prominent word in the Greek New Testament for repentance has to do with the mind. From that reorientation of the mind we bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance. We are to set our minds on things above where we are seated with Christ. We are renewed by the transforming of our mind. We are to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, a frontline challenge for the conduct of spiritual warfare in the course of our Christian lives.

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