A significant part of our lives is driven by the pursuit of two words: “Well done.” Today, Barry Cooper observes that the pursuit of glory is not a bad thing–as long as we’re seeking it in the right place.
Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/glory/
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The Necessity of Scripture
If someone comes to us claiming to speak for God, how could we ever know whether they’re telling the truth? Today, Barry Cooper shows why God’s written Word is absolutely necessary if we are to know the life-giving truth of His Son. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/the-necessity-of-scripture/
We can get in danger of being so infatuated with the idea of our sin’s forgiveness that we start to leave obedience behind. Today, Barry Cooper points out that Christians don’t take God’s law less seriously, but more seriously. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/antinomianism/
The Holy Spirit comes alongside us to bear our burdens, defend us, and give us strength and courage. Today, Barry Cooper examines a Greek word that richly illustrates our relationship with Christ and His Spirit. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/paraclete/