God Sets the Terms and Conditions
God initiates his grace in our lives by his Holy Spirit and invites us to cooperate with it as we grow in our relationship with him. But what is that grace meant to accomplish in our lives? And how do we sustain a relationship with a Being we cannot see and with whom we cannot converse face to face?
The answer is this: God gives us what Christians have long referred to as “means of grace.” David Mathis says “It is the grace of God that gives us His ‘means of grace’ for our ongoing perseverance and growth and joy this side of the coming new creation.”
As we take hold of these means, we grow in knowledge and faith, we persevere in the Christian life, and we experience joy as we await the coming new creation. These means of grace are the disciplines or habits through which we can relate to God in ever-deeper ways.
By giving us these means, God shows that we really do have the privilege of relating to him, but he also shows that we cannot relate to him in whatever ways we may want or we may deem suitable. While we can genuinely be friends with God, he is the one who sets the terms and conditions of that friendship. To us falls the joyful privilege of cooperating with his grace according to his means.

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Weekend A La Carte (September 24)
Also, I think most or all audiobooks on Amazon/Audible are 65% off for a few days. Start here, then search for the audiobook you want. You may just find a good deal on it.
If you’re after something for your daily devotions (in printed, not audio format) perhaps take a look at this new David Powlison devotional.
Today’s Kindle deals include some newer and older books.
(Yesterday on the blog: When Church Leadership Goes Wrong)
Be Angry and Do Not Sin
Ed Welch considers what it means to be angry yet not sin. “The problem is that we are happy to exploit what seems to be a legal loophole. Anger, in its very nature, is self-justifying. My anger is righteous; your anger is not. So if we are to find some righteous wiggle room here, we must proceed very carefully.”
Rejoice (Video)
The Gettys released a new album yesterday that is well worth a listen. One of the top tracks on it is “Rejoice” which features Rend Collective.
Uprooting Bitterness
Paul Tautges is doing some writing on bitterness. “Bitterness was taking root, confirming to me that their sin was greater than mine. The wrong they did to us is more serious than my failure to trust God, I thought. For months, I prayed in anger and lacked self-awareness of what was happening inside me.”
What REALLY Happened at Nicaea
I appreciate these Red Pen Logic videos that quickly answer common objections to Christianity, like this one which claims that the canon of Scripture was established at Nicaea.
When You Can’t Meet Every Need
I appreciate what Lauren says here about her inability to meet all the needs of all the people in her family. “‘I can’t meet all of their needs, but I can meet this one.’”
To the “Young and Inexperienced” Counselor
“I am 27 years old. I’m not married and I don’t have children. I’m not a pastor or a deacon. These are usually the first things I tell my counselees because they are surprised at my youth when they walk into my counseling room. I can tell that their first thought is, ‘how can this young man help me with my circumstances when he hasn’t experienced what I’m experiencing?’”
Flashback: Maintaining Confidence in the Process
We overestimate what God will do in us over a year, but underestimate what God will accomplish in us through a lifetime of submitting ourselves to his process, to his great means of sanctification. Though it’s right to be harsh with our sin, it’s also right to be patient with our growth.I don’t always feel His presence. But God’s promises do not depend upon my feelings; they rest upon His integrity. —R.C. Sproul
A La Carte (November 17)
May the Lord be with you and bless you today.
Today’s Kindle deals include Greg Koukl’s new book Street Smarts. There’s an extensive list of other deals as well.
The History of Study Bibles
I really enjoyed this look at the history of study Bibles—the good, the bad, and the really unfortunate.
Is There a Book in You?
Trevin Wax offers some guidance for people who are wondering if they’ve got a book in them.
A Lifelong Sentence Overturned By Faith: Only God Can Do That!
In one of America’s most notorious prisons, a young man sentenced to life without parole miraculously found faith, forgiveness, redemption, and restoration. In 27 Summers, Ronald Olivier shares his dramatic and powerful story and offers proof that God can bring healing and hope to even the darkest circumstances. Order 27 Summers today. (Sponsored Link)
Polymorphous perversity in the heartland
Al Mohler: “If you are looking for Ground Zero in the sexual revolution, you might not think of America’s heartland, but you should. You should think of Indiana University and The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. Founded more than 75 years ago as the Institute for Sex Research, it was from the start a primary platform for the sexual revolution and the twisted vision of its founder, Alfred Kinsey.”
“I have experienced God’s chisel time and again in a year that has been stuffed with quiet heartaches; corrupt schemes that Satan intended for evil. These hardships are largely invisible to the world. Such burdens have proven perplexing and difficult to navigate due to their clandestine nature. Upon reflection, one thing is evident: I have far to go in learning to respond with joy.”
What is Hell Like?
David Kaywood: “I don’t particularly like writing or thinking about hell. It’s been said if you preach on hell, you should do so with a tear in your eye. The topic of hell must be treated with biblical fidelity but also with compassion for neighbor. Nevertheless, we regularly need biblical resources on hell since there are constant attacks to undermine it.”
Unburden Your Soul To God
I think you’ll appreciate this look at the purpose of prayer.
Flashback: 3 Parenting Myths We Are All Tempted To Believe
“Our job is to discharge faithfully the duties God has given to us, leaving the results in God’s hands. Our goal is not ‘successful’ parenting per se, but faithful parenting.” This is a sweet, liberating truth.He who fears God has nothing else to fear. His soul shall dwell at ease. He shall lodge in the chamber of content. —Charles Spurgeon
Weekend A La Carte (August 27)
Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of newer books and a selection of older ones.
Todd Friel’s Wretched is having a big sale on their digital and streaming products.
(Yesterday on the blog: Joni’s Songs of Suffering)
Every Step (Video)
I’m really enjoying this new song from CityAlight. Speaking of which, there’s a new CityAlight album available now.
The Bible in English
Stephen Nichols has put together a helpful little introduction to the history of the Bible in English.
Despite Claims Otherwise, Treatment for an Ectopic Pregnancy Is Not an Abortion
Randy Alcorn: “Unfortunately, since the overturning of Roe and Casey, there has been much misinformation on the internet and in the media about ectopic pregnancies, and claims that women will not be able to receive medically necessary treatment in states that have restricted elective abortion. This is a straw man and/or a red herring argument.”
A League of Their Own
WORLD has a review of the new Prime series “A League of Their Own.” The show appears to be yet another symptom of the modern world in which story is less important than ideology. “When rebooting A League of Their Own, Amazon Studios didn’t make a baseball comedy at all. Instead, the series is a lesbian romantic fantasy.”
Life in the Blood
Ed Welch reflects on these words from Jesus: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.”
Wrecking Ball
“I sat on our front brick steps early the other morning, delighting in the cooler temperatures, inhaling the vibrant hints of fall. The robust spirit in the air seemed a nod toward future glory. Although autumn means death to leaves, such loss promises resplendent hues: rich, cinnamony reds, burnt orange, deep, buttery, yellows. This seasonal reminder is salve to my wounds. God’s promise is to never leave me nor forsake me. He faithfully turns the pages of life through all seasons. Pay attention–he is doing so even now.”
Flashback: Nurture Your Children
A key part of heeding God’s commission to “make disciples of all nations” is to make disciples of your own children. What value is there in saving the whole world but neglecting your own children?However bitter the cup we have to drink, we are sure it contains nothing unnecessary or unkind; and we should take it from His hand with as much meekness as we accept of eternal life with thankfulness. —William Goodell