God Thought, and Thought, and Thought
Written by Samuel D. James |
Thursday, June 29, 2023
When God thought and made me a boy, he gave me a gift: the gift of a male body, and a male brain, and male feelings. These aren’t obstacles to overcome; they are gifts to be sanctified. Can they sin? Absolutely. There have been many times where I wish my particular impulses were different, or that I didn’t have to worry about the things I worry about. This is not a sign of a mistake. It’s the sign of imperfection, of a body that is waiting to be glorified, not emasculated.
When I was growing up, Mom would tell me sometimes:
God thought, and thought, and thought, and he made you a boy.
This is a beautiful thought to me. It used to conjure up images of God sitting carefully, deep in thought, deciding with unhurried precision whether my mother’s second child should be a boy or a girl. As I grew, so did my theology, and I no longer think that the moment of my divinely bestowed gender identity looked like the famous Thinking Man sculpture. But that’s not the point. I understand now what Mom was saying. The body that grew inside my mother was given to me, on purpose, by a Creator who decided to give it. It’s the opposite of a fluke, incompatible with impulse. God doesn’t think fast and slow; everything he does has an incomprehensible eternity’s worth of intention. God thought, and thought, and thought, and he made me a boy.
I wonder if this short thought might be a blessing in your own life and in the life of your home. We live in an era of near-unprecedented despair over the meaning of a life. Gender dysphoria is illness, and in the parched search for something to tell us what we are, many in our age have clutched at an illness to bestow some kind of direction to their lives. What Mom gave me those years ago was an antidote to despair. Unpack it:
The doctors didn’t, and don’t, decide who I am. Not even my parents engineered my maleness.
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Check-Ins: Sowing Seeds of Consistency to Build Trust
One of the most crucial questions a husband and wife ask after the discovery of pornography or an affair is, “How can trust be rebuilt?” Put simply, trust is built with consistent, selfless love over time.
However, this simple answer is not always easy to live out. For a spouse who has lived deceitfully for years, living in unwavering truth will be new territory. For a spouse who’s been betrayed and deceived, deciding if their spouse is being consistent in words and actions can be confusing.
The consistency + time formula is a helpful guide for couples who are committed to daily, proactive engagement to rebuild trust. Consistently checking-in, with both truth and tenderness, can help create and cultivate an intimate connection, which is necessary in the trust-building process. Check-ins are a purposeful, set-aside time for a couple to connect on a consistent basis about the things that are important to each person. They offer a husband and wife the opportunity to know and be known. When done well, check-ins can be used to help a couple truly walking in the light foster the spiritual and emotional connection that enables trust to be established once again.
Consistent Steps Taken over Time through Selfless Love
You might ask, “What can I do consistently? And for how long? What if I don’t feel loving?” One husband may decide to bring his wife coffee first thing every morning. Another may consistently answer the phone each time his wife calls. Still another may reliably go to bed at the same time as his wife. Each of these examples may help a wife begin to see her husband growing in dependability. But these consistent actions, while loving and significant, don’t accomplish everything needed to rebuild broken trust—God’s plan for marriage is far greater than a list of tasks for a husband and wife to do predictably.
In addition to a couple demonstrating reliability, God’s design for marriage includes a husband and wife faithfully loving one another with authenticity, intimacy, and integrity. The language God uses to describe the union of Adam and Eve’s marriage conveys unity. “Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24).
However, sexual betrayal attacks that union. Every part of a marriage is deeply impacted by betrayal. The deceit that accompanies pornography use and affairs ravages a couple’s ability to be truly connected as God intended. One tool that can be fruitful for a couple working through the effects of betrayal is to engage in regular check-ins with each other to build both reliability and unity in marriage.
What Check-Ins Can Offer
The development or re-establishing of an intimate connection necessary for trust within a marriage. Trust-building will include heart change—allowing a husband who has been hiding to step out into the light. Honesty and transparency can lay the groundwork for a wife who has been devastated to begin to consider moving toward her husband emotionally.
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Jesus and Apocalyptic Imagery
The apocalyptic genre takes old images of the past, and the author applies them to his present people and discusses near-term important events that would soon happen in their future. In Matthew 24, Jesus plunders the pages of the Old Testament, grabbing pregnant images and metaphors, to speak volumes of information to His disciples in just a few sentences.
And He will send forth His angels with a great trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other.—Matthew 24:31
An Eschatological Rosetta Stone
As one of the engineering divisions, of Napoleon Bonapart’s army, was preparing another Egyptian building for demolition, one of his lieutenants inadvertently stumbled upon one of the greatest archeological discoveries of the modern era, the Rosetta Stone. Built right into the wall of that house, moments from being torn to the ground, was a massive stone text with an inscription written in three different languages, that would unlock the keys to understanding Egyptian Hieroglyphics from that day forward. Before that find, the pictorial language was nothing more than esoteric images arranged neatly on pottery shards and on the sides of ancient buildings that scholars could not make heads or tails of. Yet, after that, the entire world of the ancient Egyptians opened up like never before. The key had been found.
If you carry this as a metaphor over into the world of Biblical studies, the apocalyptic genre is very much like those Egyptian Hieroglyphics. The genre is not only well known for its confusing images, words, signs, and symbols, which are arranged in the most obfuscated ways, but it has also been a source of confusion among the scholarly community who come up with one theory after another attempting to crack the code. Thankfully for us, the Rosetta stone we need to interpret these events has already been found.
Instead of looking at current geopolitical events, reading Reddit subthreads about the rise of Luciferians and Ancient Freemasons, or buying that tinfoil hat from the cooky guy on Youtube, the key to understanding the Biblical apocalyptic genre is found right in the pages of Holy Scripture. Unlike most genres of the Bible, apocalyptic is entirely dependent upon past revelation, since it borrows language, images, and symbols that come right out of Scriptures that were previously recorded. With that, the key to understanding the prophecies that are given in this genre will not be found in piecing together current events 2000 years disconnected from their author but will be found in understanding the Old Testament Scriptures those authors were alluding to.
Today, I want us to look at a poignant example of this. If you have been following along with this blog, our thesis has been that, in the prophecy given to His disciples in Matthew 24, and especially in the apocalyptic section listed in verses 27-31, Jesus was not talking about the end of the world or of human history but was instead speaking about the doom that would soon befall wicked Judah. To support such a claim we have cited linguistic evidence, historical data, first-century extra-Biblical sources, contextual factors, and other lines of compelling data to resoundingly prove our premise. Today, I would like to add a few more cherries on top of this rather large Sunday.
Brought to You Courtesy of Red, White, and Blue Apocalypticism
One of the distinguishing features of the apocalyptic genre is that it communicates urgent news and important truth, using ancient signs, symbols, characters, and figures. The writer, who had an urgent message to share with his contemporary audience, would ratchet up the intensity of his message by reaching back into the annals of his past, resurrecting common images, stories, and characters from their shared collective history and experience, employing them in the story-world of his apocalyptic vision. Wow, that was certainly a mouthful… How about a country music example to drive home my point?
After the harrowing events of September 11th, one of the songs that captured the American heart and became a ballad of courage for so many was “Courtesy Of The Red, White, And Blue”, which was written by country music legend Toby Keith. In that song, Keith masterfully employed American apocalyptic images in order to threaten destruction upon the terrorists who had weaponized planes against our people. Addressing the terrorists directly, Keith bellowed out the following lines:Hey Uncle Sam, put your name at the top of his listAnd the Statue of Liberty started shakin’ her fistAnd the eagle will fly, man, it’s gonna be hellWhen you hear mother freedom start ringin’ her bellAnd it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you…Brought to you courtesy of the red white and blue
If you were living in the year 40 AD or 4000 AD, none of this would make the least bit of sense to you. But, it is obvious to all twenty-first-century Americans what Toby Keith is saying. He does not have an angry uncle named Sam who is fond of making kill lists. Some Statue that is dedicated to Liberty did not come to life in fist-shaking fury. Mother freedom (whoever that lassie is) did not begin ringing any strange bells. And some object that is colored red, white, and blue did not come to life to fight any actual battles. All of this is apocalyptic imagery.
Toby Keith is borrowing from the common canon of American iconography, not only using these well-known images but also bringing them to life in visionary and war-like ways. Why is he doing this? Because this powerfully communicates the message of vengeance and doom that would soon come upon those who attacked America. This is why Uncle Sam in the song, a symbol of American Patriotism and troop recruitment, is going to gather up the soldiers for war. This is why the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of our ordered liberty and national freedom, is angered when that same freedom is in jeopardy. And that is why the nation will become unified in administering furious justice, which is represented by the red, white, and blue flag that is raining munitions down on top of the terrorist’s heads. All of these images are apocalyptic and we understand them easily because they are our national images.
The same is true for the first-century disciples. While their images may look different than ours, the symbols Jesus used would have been meaningful to them and would have communicated intense judgment and fury was soon to come upon the enemies of God. If we have any hope of understanding this passage, we cannot employ our images, our categories, and our presuppositions. We must endeavor to understand their images and symbols so that the passage comes to life in all its honky tonk glory.
The Angels Sent Forth
Jesus told themAnd He will send forth His angels…
After Jesus describes the 40-year period of trials that would lead to Jerusalem’s downfall (24:4-14) and the Roman / Jewish war that will leave the old covenant city as a smoldering pile of rubble (24:15-26), He switches to the apocalyptic genre in verse 27 to drive home His point with visionary intensity and a sobering finality. As we discussed in the previous two articles, the sun, moon, and stars (which are Genesis 2 images of celestial covenantal rule) were reacting to the judgment of Judah, by going dark, refusing to give their light, and falling out of the sky. The heavens were also shaking which is a common prophetic image for the upheaval of nations.
We also discussed how the tribes of the land (all those within Judah and Jerusalem) would see the sign of Jesus’ heavenly enthronement (An image coming out of Daniel 7), where Jesus ascends up to the Ancient of days and sits upon His throne to reign over His blood-bought Kingdom. This caused the people of Judah to mourn as they were being destroyed, not because they regretted their actions, but more like those who weep and gnash their teeth in hell.
In verse 31, however, Jesus switches His apocalyptic referent. He is no longer talking about the grim events that will be coming upon Judah when they are punished with fire in AD 70. Now, He moves on to share what will happen to the church, who suffered tremendously during this forty-year period of time. More specifically, He addresses how redemption will be accomplished in this unique era between the ages. What do I mean between the ages?
Redemption between the Ages
As the old age of temples, priests, sacrifices, and priests was coming to a jarring halt and the new age of Christ’s Kingdom was dawning, this forty-year period from AD 30 to AD 70 became a unique era where both ages coexisted simultaneously. This created more than a little confusion among Christians who converted from Judaism. Should they worship in the temple or in their homes? Should they be circumcised any longer or not? Should they worship on Saturday or Sunday? And I am sure you can imagine more than a few additional questions that life-long Jews would need to have answered while the temple and Judaism were still standing.
One of the questions we know they were asking is where do the believers go, who were killed during the overlapping of ages? For instance, suppose a Christian was killed by a band of Jewish zealots in the year 55 AD. What happened to them, since the old covenant kingdom had not been fully put away? Since their temple still stood? Since Jesus had not yet returned in judgment against them? Do the martyrs, who died before all these things took place, get all of the blessings that Jesus promised?
Paul’s Answer
Paul addressed this question to the Thessalonian church, who was asking the same question, in the mid 50’s AD. Apparently, there was a band of fools that had infiltrated the church and were attempting to convince people that Jesus had already returned and those who died before His judgment coming against Judah would miss out on the resurrection (See 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10). Paul not only assured them that Jesus would return soon to punish the Jews (in 2 Thessalonians 2) but in 1 Thessalonians 4, he also assured them that all who believed in Christ would be gathered into the savior’s Kingdom regardless of when they lived and died. They would not miss out on the resurrection!
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ESPN Broadcasters Hold Moment of Silence to Protest Florida’s Parental-Rights Bill on LGBT Ed
While progressive opponents of the legislation have labeled the measure the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, Republican state senator Dennis Baxley, who spearheaded the bill, said it is intended to restore authority to parents who are better equipped to address the topics of gender identity and sexual orientation in the early stages of childhood development.
Several ESPN broadcasters on Friday participated in an on-air moment of silence to protest Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which would prohibit classroom instruction relating to sexual orientation or gender identity for students in kindergarten through third grade.
ESPN’s Elle Duncan on Friday spoke out against the Florida bill and similar proposals in other states, claiming they are “targeting our LGBTQIA+ communities.”She added that many of her ESPN colleagues planned to walk out on Friday afternoon.
“We understand the gravity of this legislation and also how it is affecting so many families across this country, and because of that our allyship is going to take a front seat,” she said.
“And with that, we’re going to pause in solidarity,” she added, before observing a moment of silence.
Meanwhile, ESPN’s Carolyn Peck and Courtney Lyle took a two-minute-long moment of silence during the NCAA Women’s Tournament on Friday to protest the bill.
“There are things bigger than basketball that need to be addressed at this time,” Lyle said. “Our friends, our family, our coworkers, the players and coaches in our community are hurting right now.”
“Our LGBTQIA+ teammates at Disney asked for our solidarity and support,” she added.Staffers at Disney, ESPN’s parent company, planned to hold walkouts last week and this week to protest the measure, the Guardian reported.
Disney CEO Bob Chapek said he and other Disney executives called Florida governor Ron DeSantis earlier this month to “express our disappointment and concern that if the legislation becomes law, it could be used to unfairly target gay, lesbian, non-binary, and transgender kids and families,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.
Chapek first came out against the bill during the company’s annual shareholder meeting when he announced Disney planned to donate $5 million to LGBTQ groups.
The bill passed the state legislature earlier this month. DeSantis is expected to sign the bill into law.Read More