Good Cop, Bad Cop – Theologically Speaking

Their head may be full of theology, but it seems that their heart is empty. They miss what the Spirit of God is trying to do as they go on their little theological crusade. Those folks who are such repeat offenders when it comes to this really demonstrate how little of the heart of God they have and how carnal they in fact can be. It is always so sad to come across this.
There are certain things that must be said over and over. No matter how often you speak about such matters, you find that you must keep repeating yourself. Either folks are just not listening, or there are some perennial problems that must constantly be addressed.
The topic of this post is an example of this. I have often written about it in the past, but the need is always there to keep revisiting the theme. And that theme is this: yes, theology matters – massively. Sound doctrine is vitally important, and I have made that case hundreds of times over the years, both here and on the social media.
However… We all know of those who always want to be theologically correct but who are far too often spiritually incorrect. That is, so often they are running in the flesh, and not in the Spirit, as they act as the world’s policeman to make sure everyone is believing the “correct” thing.
I find this constantly on the social media. Indeed, just this morning I opened up one of my pages to find this happening yet again. It does my head and heart in, and I wonder if it will ever stop. As I just posted online:
It is one thing to be concerned about sound theology, but another thing to obsessively act as a theology cop, going around and “correcting” everyone when they dare to have a different view on things – especially when you were just trying to offer some spiritual edification, and NOT start yet another theological war. Such folks end up being little more than Pharisees, and as I have said so often, they will not get a free run on my page.
This happens so often and it bothers me no end. When my aim is NOT to make some theological point, but simply to encourage others, bless others, seek to have them love God more, it really is disturbing that some believers do not get it. The spiritual aim that I intended goes completely over their head, and they see this as yet another opportunity to push their pet theology.
Their head may be full of theology, but it seems that their heart is empty. They miss what the Spirit of God is trying to do as they go on their little theological crusade. Those folks who are such repeat offenders when it comes to this really demonstrate how little of the heart of God they have and how carnal they in fact can be. It is always so sad to come across this.
But let me spell this out with some examples just in case some Christians are still not getting it:
When I share some great spiritual encouragement or biblical truth from John Wesley, I really do not need some angry Calvinist attacking me and missing entirely the helpful truth I was seeking to offer to others.
When I share some great spiritual encouragement or biblical truth from John Calvin, I really do not need some angry Arminian attacking me and missing entirely the helpful truth I was seeking to offer to others.
When I share some great spiritual encouragement or biblical truth from a Catholic, I really do not need some angry Protestant attacking me and missing entirely the helpful truth I was seeking to offer to others.
When I share some great spiritual encouragement or biblical truth from a Protestant, I really do not need some angry Catholic attacking me and missing entirely the helpful truth I was seeking to offer to others.