What is gossip anyway?! In this episode we take a close look at the 9th commandment and what it means to speak of others in a way that maintains love for neighbor.
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Suffering is Okay
This week we answer a listener question about what it means to “suffer well”. We consider several factors that change how we should view suffering, as well as what our Christian duty is towards suffering. Join us!
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The Third Way to Hell
This week we talk about the pernicious “third way”. The third way is the soothing middle ground that many so-called evangelicals often want to offer as an alternative. But what is it really? It’s a trapdoor to deconstruction. Join us as we talk about how to spot the third way and reject it.
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Free to Change
In this episode we talk the value of letting relationships change you. Your church should change you. Your marriage should change you. You don’t get to cut & run at the first sign of discomfort. Let it happen!
The post Free to Change appeared first on Sheologians.