How Childhood Innocence Strikes Terror Into Drag Queens

How Childhood Innocence Strikes Terror Into Drag Queens

For Christians and parents, this fight involves the eternal salvation of children’s souls. For this reason, Drag Queen Story Hours have generated a firestorm across America with hundreds of protests. So many rightly oppose this attack upon that God-given childhood innocence that prepares the soul to live a virtuous life and to desire heaven.

The innocent child instinctively and implicitly knows what is good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Like the innocent child denouncing the emperor’s “new clothes,” he recognizes the drag queen as ugly and sinister as a wicked witch in a fairy tale. The child does not bend to the politically- correct opinions and says what he thinks.

Suddenly, a new figure has appeared on the scene, invading public places, libraries and schools. His appearance is shocking and lewd. He is the drag queen who demands the right to read stories and have access to toddlers and children.

There is no explanation why he must read his stories about sexual fluidity to little children. Nothing like this has ever been done. He does it because he can do it—a decadent society lets him do it. The media actively promotes these indoctrination sessions as manifestations of “tolerance” and diversity.

Propaganda Not Entertainment

The drag queen makes no secret of his links to the LGBTQ+ movement, and he serves as its unofficial spokesman to the children. He is not reading fairy tales but telling toddlers that men can be women and that same-sex marriages are good under the label of “family-friendly” entertainment. Schools, libraries, or other public places become platforms for his anti-Christian morality message.

Thus, parents have every right to reject this shameless advocacy that will corrupt their children and present sinful relationships in a favorable light. Indeed, one drag queen in Lafayette, Louisiana, admitted at a town hearing that the purpose of his performance is “be the grooming of the next generation.”

While not every child will attend these events, the children who do will spread their confusing messages to those who don’t. The eventual goal is the mainstreaming of drag queens. Reportedly, Michigan’s lesbian Democratic attorney general, Dana Nessel, mockingly called for “a drag queen in every school.” Taco Bell is holding drag queen events in its restaurants.

The Target is Childhood Innocence

These reasons are enough to demand the closing down of these morally-toxic shows. Children must be protected from exposure to lewd men in dresses with sinful messages. And parents, informed by the Church, not the media, are the ones to judge the moral dangers of these shows.

However, the program’s target is not only to expose children to immoral ideas. Children have something special that terrifies the drag queen. And for this reason, he targets children and seeks to rid them of their special quality.

That quality is childhood innocence.

Innocence Is Seeing Everything With a Spirit of Harmony

Innocence is the child’s ability to see everything in a spirit of harmony that God puts into the soul. It allows the child to be open to all forms of rectitude, marvelousness, purity, and beauty found in the nature of things. For example, the child, a young boy, develops a notion of how things should be. He imagines the ideal models of things.

This perception facilitates a relationship with God as the author of the harmony and marvels that the child sees, imagines and loves. It encourages the practice of virtue and creates a desire for heaven.

Everyone has witnessed this childhood innocence. The child exhibits this marveling spirit with great exuberance toward the good, true and beautiful and a rejection of the contrary. During early childhood, the boy develops his first certainties. He will be full of admiration, trust and hope that comes from the joy of new life. All these things develop inside this wonderworld of childhood innocence.

The Need for Protection

However, this splendid gift must be protected against evil, sin and deception.

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