In Him, All Things Hold Together

In Him, All Things Hold Together

His moment-by-moment sustaining of all of being outside of himself is immutably consistent with the attributes and power manifest in the first week of creation. Because he is unchanging, perfect concurrence exists between the first utterance of his words of creation, his careful forming of his image-bearers initially for the dust, and his present upholding of “all things by the word of his power” (Hebrews 1:3).

I delivered my mail to the Pewee Valley Post Office. I drove up to the exit from the parking area to the two-lane road that never wavered in its faithful path to the entrance to our sub-division. I looked to the right and left, needing to cross one lane safely and merge into the opposite with an equal outcome of safety. Judging the speed of the vehicles and how I could go across one lane and slip in behind another car approaching from the right with no danger to myself or the car approaching from the left, my perceptive faculties seemed intact and were coordinated with my motor skills without any sense of alarm. With the amount of pressure on the accelerator to achieve the amount of thrust that I had learned was needed in this vehicle, I successfully moved across one lane, navigated with virtually perfect momentum, and angled into the second lane and followed the line of cars now in front of me to the entrance to my subdivision that still was where it had been for the past quarter of a century. This progression in perfect safety, with no alarm to other drivers, no dangers to any of the cars on the road, with virtually omniscient predictability was truly amazing. It will not make news but it is testimony to the intelligence, beauty, symmetry, creativity, immutability, and power of God both in creation and in present consistency.

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