

Peter, however, allays such fears by describing our inheritance as “incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you” (1 Pet. 1:4). In other words, what is laid up for us in our heavenly home will be ours in pristine, spectacular fullness. Our name is already on the door and has been prepared for us. But what if something happens to us? Can we be disinherited by our disobedience and rebellion? Peter says God has got that aspect covered as well. 

an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away (1 Peter 1:4)

I got caught in traffic behind a large vehicle. It was a tedious drive with the obstructed view and the slow progress. I did find some amusement, however, when I spotted the bumper sticker attached to the mobile home. “We’re spending our children’s inheritance.” Their children might not have been as amused.

That’s the problem with inheritances. We can never be absolutely certain what that inheritance will look like when it’s time to take possession. A house may be broken down. Finances may be depleted. Plus, what happens if we die before our parents and are not around to receive the inheritance, or because we somehow displeased our parents, we are disinherited?

Peter intends to cheer and encourage those who are pilgrims by letting them know they have an inheritance.

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