The Bible is not simply one book, but a collection of 66 books written over hundreds of years. Today, R.C. Sproul explains how we got the Bible we have today.
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The Crucifixion
To most bystanders, the crucifixion of Jesus was just another criminal’s execution. But after the centurion witnessed Christ’s death, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15:39). Today, R.C. Sproul brings us to the foot of the cross as he continues his series in the gospel of Mark. Get R.C. Sproul’s Expositional Commentary on the Gospel of Mark for Your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.
The Image of God
To have a right understanding of ethics, or the way that God wants us to live in this world, we need to know who we are. Today, Stephen Nichols draws out implications from the Bible’s teaching that human beings were created in the image of God. Thank You For Supporting the Global Outreach of Renewing Your Mind and Ligonier Ministries: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.
Radical Depravity: Our Desperate Condition
Many people think we are generally good by nature, but God’s Word paints a strikingly different picture. Today, Steven Lawson turns to the gospel of John to emphasize the depth of our sin and our desperate need for God’s sovereign grace. Get Steven Lawson’s Teaching Series ‘The Doctrines of Grace in John’ DVD and Digital Study Guide for your Gift of Any Amount: Don’t forget to make your home for daily in-depth Bible study and Christian resources.