00:07:58 Matt Sorger Interviews Chuck Pierce
00:21:00 Rod Parsley & Steve Munsey Say God is Deciding About the Rapture
00:57:38 Carl Lentz Code Orange Revival Night 9 Recap
01:40:16 Sermon Review: Dream Big in Austin by Russell Evans
00:07:58 Matt Sorger Interviews Chuck Pierce
00:21:00 Rod Parsley & Steve Munsey Say God is Deciding About the Rapture
00:57:38 Carl Lentz Code Orange Revival Night 9 Recap
01:40:16 Sermon Review: Dream Big in Austin by Russell Evans
00:10:13 Amanda Wells Thomas Glowed Like a Light Bulb
00:22:14 Kat Kerr God is Commissioning Weather Warriors
00:34:03 Lucas Connell Lost In Religion
00:46:56 Daniel Zelli We are NOT Sinners Saved by Grace
01:19:56 Sermon Review: New Apostolic Reformation: Paradigm Shift by Danielle Dixon
• Interview with Rev. Jeffrey Ware RE: Lectio Divina and Hearing God’s Voice in Your Heart.
What Paul Crouch Thinks John MacArthur is Missing
Rick Warren to Give Invocation at Obama’s Inauguration
Listener Accuse Rosebrough of Not Producing ANY Good Works. So, What is the Biblical Definition of a Good Work?