Episode 241 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.
Key questions answered in today’s show:
1. Does grace mean that we have to forgive everyone even if they sin against us in the same way over and over? At what point do we say that a person needs to repent?
2. Is the law of God and the law of Moses the same thing? Or are these unique? Is there a difference in the two or are they synonymous?
3. Why did God reject Saul as Israel’s king and accept David when David turned out to be almost as bad morally? Was the difference David’s heart and is that why God accepts some of us today and will reject others in the judgment?
4. If I was counting days between good Friday and resurrection Sunday, I’m only counting 2 days instead of 3. Am I missing something here about how Jews would have counted days or am I overthinking this here?
5. Does the Old Covenant offer a different way of salvation from the New Covenant? Are Jews today supposed to keep the Old Covenant while Christians are to keep the New Covenant?
6. The Old Testament says no one has ever seen God at any time. How can it also be true that to have seen Jesus is to see the Father? I’m struggling with apologetically explaining how both can be true.