Keep a Close Watch on Yourself!

Keep a Close Watch on Yourself!

Do you see it? Crumbling behavior and crumbling beliefs, a shipwrecked life or a shipwrecked faith, both result from a lack of vigilance. This is why it is your responsibility to “keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching” (1 Timothy 4:16). This is why God charges elders to “pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood” (Acts 20:28).

It happens with alarming, distressing regularity. And it hurts every time. It hurts every time we see a person we love or admire fall into a great sin or deny a precious doctrine. We are always left asking ourselves how it happened. What went wrong? How did we not see this coming? How did they not see this coming?

Every one of these situations is unique and uniquely complicated. And yet there is always an inevitable, terrible simplicity as well. These people failed to carry out a simple task. They failed to maintain an effective self-watch. When Paul wrote to Timothy he said, “keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching”—keep a close watch on how you behave and on what you believe. Though Paul spoke to Timothy as a pastor, these words apply to each and every Christian. Are you keeping a close watch?

Keep Watch on Your Life

Think of someone you know who committed one of those grave sins, the kind of sin that disqualified him from ministry or wrecked her home and marriage. Think, perhaps, about the person who was caught in an illicit affair. It’s not like this person just woke up one morning and said, “I think I’ll commit adultery today.” No, that sin was the result of a long relaxing of vigilance. He first allowed his eyes to wander, then allowed lustful thoughts to linger. She began to strike up conversations she knew she shouldn’t have, to go where she shouldn’t have gone, and to linger in the presence of someone she should have stayed away from. Over time these small actions prepared them for that big sin, primed them for that major fall. The sin was so unnecessary, so avoidable. But it became possible, it became inevitable, when they failed to keep a close watch on their behavior, on their life, on themselves.

God calls us to keep a close watch on our behavior and this requires both inner and outer vigilance, knowing ourselves and being known by others.

Inner vigilance is seeing ourselves through the lens of the Bible and believing what we see there. It is reading the Bible in such a way that the Bible reads us. The Bible exposes our hearts, lays bare our motives, calls us to believe and obey.

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