Keep Looking Straight Ahead

As we think about our daily call to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, we need to remind ourselves once more that the goal of the Christian life is not merely subscribing to a certain set of beliefs. Though it’s true that what we think is vital for the Christian life, the goal of the Christian life is that we are increasingly conformed to the likeness of Jesus.
A few weeks ago my four-year-old daughter was obsessed with learning to ride a bike without training wheels. I was tired so I suggested a less demanding activity, ideally one that didn’t need me to bend at an awkward angle for long periods of time. But my daughter was persistent that now was the right time for her to learn. My own lethargy wasn’t a good enough reason to hold my daughter back. So on a sunny spring afternoon she put on her pink helmet and hopped on her hand-me-down Minnie Mouse bike.
She was so excited to ride a big girl bike. I awkwardly arched my back and started running behind her with my hand on the seat. I gave a few simple tips: Keep pedaling, sweetie! Look straight ahead!
We got to the end of the road. We did this a few times. I held on, and I repeated my expert advice over and over.
As my daughter became more comfortable, she began to get distracted with where she was looking. She started looking to the sides, gazing behind her to see if Mom was still watching, or looking at her feet pushing the pedals. Whenever she got distracted and looked in a different direction, she began to wobble. Eventually, the only advice I found myself repeating was: Look straight ahead, sweetie!
Before each attempt I would ask her two questions, the first one: Will you look to the side, or at your hands, or at your feet? She would respond with a smile: No. Then I would ask: Will you look straight ahead? She would respond again with a smile: Yes.
Looking to Jesus
She eventually got the hang of it. She knew she had to keep pedaling to stay moving, and she knew she had to look straight ahead to stay balanced. Where she fixed her eyes made all the difference.
This sunny spring afternoon provided a helpful image for the daily life of a disciple of Jesus. Christianity is not merely about mentally affirming certain ideas and events.