This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 – 13:37)
Morally Bankrupt Regimes Act Repressively: Why Russia Arrested a Reporter from the Wall Street Journal Last Week
- Journalist’s arrest threatens reporting from Russia by Associated Press (David Bauder)
- Russia Takes a Journalist Hostage by Wall Street Journal (The Editorial Board)
Part II (13:37 – 17:44)
Echoes of the Great Terror of the Stalin Era: Russian Father Arrested for Thought Crimes—Thought Crimes Found in the Art of His 13-Year-Old Daughter
- A Child’s Drawing, a Dad’s Antiwar Posts, and Russia’s Latest Orphan by New York Times (Valerie Hopkins)
Part III (17:44 – 25:54)
Moral Hazard is a Risk for All: For example, How the Biden Administration is Rewarding Bad Behavior
- The Moral Hazard of Joe Biden’s Presidency by Wall Street Journal (Daniel Henninger)
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