Non-Leftist Employees Appeal for Neutrality After Disney is Shanghaied Into Joining the LGBTQ+ Activist Army

The open letter gesture offers the Storytelling world a glimmer of hope. Implications and precedent aside, Disney’s non-leftist employees have brazenly exposed the hypocrisy of “progressive orthodoxy,” and by doing so have drawn a line in the sand, opposing a nihilistic authoritarianism devouring everything in its path.
Non-leftist Disney employees have quietly protested Disney’s move away from neutrality.
The protest was delivered in the form of an anonymous open letter that also aired grievances about the double standards, intolerance, and bullying of conservatives in the ‘progressive orthodox’ woke workplace.
Employees are responding to the contents of an apology given by Disney CEO Bob Chapek to LGBTQ+ groups, which reactively commits Disney to the advance of LGBTQ+ ideas and activism.
Reacting to the bill, gay activists, and legacy media have (for weeks) deliberately engaged in a misinformation campaign, falsely labelling the proposal of the “don’t say gay” bill. This is despite the legislation never mentioning the word “gay.”
What the legislation offers is curriculum transparency, greater parental oversight, and the protection of children in grades K-3 from age-inappropriate overexposure to LGBTQ+ ideology.
The 1,000-word Disney Employee remonstration began with an assertion of love for the world of Disney, story, and a ‘fountain of wonder that inspires joy, awe, and delight in guests and audiences of all ages.’
However, the authors protested:
“The Walt Disney Company has come to be an increasingly uncomfortable place to work for those of us whose political and religious views are not explicitly progressive.”
They added:
“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”
Citing the Florida bill, the open letter states:
“[Disney’s] evolving response to the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” legislation in Florida has left many of us wondering what place we have in a company actively promoting a political agenda so far removed from our own.”
Disney’s dissenters said, they’ve ‘watched colleagues, grow increasingly aggressive in their demands.’ Right up to ‘openly advocating for the punishment of employees who disagree with them.’