Nothing is hidden from the mind of God–past, present, or future–so nothing can surprise or confuse Him. Today, Barry Cooper introduces us to God’s attribute of omniscience. Read the transcript:
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When we sin, we strive to substitute our own authority for God’s. Today, Barry Cooper explains what makes our sin so devastating and points to another substitution as our only source of hope. Read the transcript:
The Fruit of the Spirit
What should the Christian life look like? Today, Barry Cooper identifies nine qualities that the Spirit of God grows and cultivates in every true believer. Read the transcript:
Special Revelation
There is only so much you can tell about an artist from the things he’s created. To really get to know him, you’d need to meet him. Today, Barry Cooper shows us how the Scriptures–and ultimately Christ Himself–end the guessing games about who God is. Read the transcript: