Recommended Easter Reading: Man of Sorrows, King of Glory


What better time is there to reflect deeply on the person and work of Jesus than in the days leading up to Easter? Man of Sorrows, King of Glory: What the Humiliation and Exaltation of Jesus Mean for Us is a thought-provoking survey of what Jesus accomplished and continues to accomplish as our Prophet, Priest, and King.

Guided by the lyrics of a hymn written in 1875, “Hallelujah! What a Savior,” this book celebrates and reflects on the Lord’s death, resurrection, and ascension. In fact, each of the chapter titles is taken from a line in the hymn, like “In my place condemned He stood,” “Ruined sinners to reclaim,” and “When He comes, our glorious King,” as the text examines Christ’s divine and human nature.

Man of Sorrows explores the three offices of Christ and shows how those roles are essential to His atoning work from several infrequently considered perspectives. See how Adam failed as the first prophet, priest, and king, and learn how, through His perfect life, Jesus succeeded in the same roles. You’ll also be reminded, from the book of Hebrews, how Christ fulfilled and exceeded the qualities laid out for the high priests who came before Him.

This insightful book paints an extensive portrait of the Messiah by encouraging you to consider His exaltation at the same time you think about His death and resurrection. Man of Sorrows focuses on this unique aspect of Christ’s saving work—His reign in heaven and how He intercedes on our behalf—to help you remember that Jesus wasn’t just your Savior then but that He remains so today.

Explore how Christ is our Prophet who teaches us, our Priest who mediates for us, and our King who rules over us with this approachable book that is full of rich, biblical truth. Request Man of Sorrows, King of Glory, and celebrate the ongoing nature of the Lord’s work in His church today.

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