Refreshed In Chains

Refreshed In Chains

Long after Onesimus took the letter, Paul sat in chains knowing that Philemon’s response could refresh his weary spirit. Yes, I know that we look to Christ for comfort and strength—Paul was no stranger to knowing the Lord’s presence to embolden him for the hard road ahead. But isn’t this wonderful? When Paul saw the gospel budding in another’s life, that too was a source of refreshment for him.

The Bible is far from barren prose on ancient parchment. Instead it ripples with life, it rises and falls with the breath of God, it ebbs and flows as the Spirit wields it with surgical precision.

Consider the short book of Philemon nestled toward the back of your Bible. Not even a book really, more accurately, an intimate insight into the gospel, seen through the lens of friendship and exposed by the expert penmanship of Paul as he pleads with a dear brother.

Receiving a hand-written letter by post is fast becoming a novelty these days, but imagine for a moment Philemon’s surprise to have this letter couriered to his own hand by none other than Onesimus, the very slave who ran from him some time earlier. Or imagine, if you can, the moment Onesimus crested the hill overlooking his one-time master’s estate—clenching the scroll he carried as though it was his greatest treasure, heart beating with unusual haste, hopeful for Philemon’s blessing, fearful of the consequences of his escape. If you can imagine neither of these, I wonder if you can picture Paul as he etched these 25 verses from his own prison, glancing up at his new friend and child in the faith, Onesimus. Casting his mind back to his precious friendship with Philemon, Paul allows his heart to flow onto the scroll rolled out before him.

So if you consider me your partner, receive him as you would receive me. If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything, charge that to my account. I, Paul, write this with my own hand: I will repay it—to say nothing of your owing me even your own self. Yes, brother, I want some benefit from you in the Lord. Refresh my heart in Christ.  (Philemon 17-20 ESV)

The entire letter is rich with implications that blossom from the stump of the gospel, but even in these few verses lay a bouquet that should awaken our senses to the aroma of grace that is found in Jesus.

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