He’s called the tempter, the accuser, the evil one, and the god of this age. On this episode of Simply Put, Barry Cooper looks at the biblical—and very real—figure of Satan. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/satan/
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If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you have full access to the Creator and can approach Him without fear of being destroyed. Today, Barry Cooper expresses how Jesus, our Great High Priest, has atoned for our sin and intercedes on our behalf. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/priest/
Offices of Christ
Jesus Christ is the summit of a long line of prophets, priests, and kings. But unlike all who came before Him, Christ bears all three of these roles and perfectly fulfills them. Today, Barry Cooper describes the glory of Jesus’ threefold office. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/offices-of-christ/
High Places
All of the world’s idols demand that we make endless sacrifices for them. But only Jesus has accomplished the ultimate sacrifice we need. Today, Barry Cooper explains how the idols we encounter in the Old Testament are far more relevant than we realize. Read the transcript: https://simplyputpodcast.com/high-places/