The rising of Christ from the dead is at the heart of the Christian message. If Jesus is not alive, our message is in vain and our lives are without hope. In a selection of sermons, Alistair Begg explains the importance of the resurrection of Christ and that it demands a response from all.
What If It’s All True! (Luke 24:1–12) — Listen (Free) | Download MP3 (Free)
Eyewitness testimonies, the empty tomb, the striking change in the disciples … the New Testament provides fact-based evidence that Jesus rose from the dead. In this message, Alistair Begg encourages us to a thoughtful consideration of this central Christian truth, emphasizing the need to trust in Christ for our salvation. Through His Word, Jesus calls each one to faith in the Gospel, and those who believe are called to share His story with a broken world.
Resurrection Matters (1 Corinthians 15:14) — Listen (Free) | Download MP3 (Free)
We live in a culture that surrounds us with religious options. But 1 Corinthians 15:3 makes the bold declaration that the resurrection of Jesus is “of first importance.” It is the heart of the gospel message, and it demands a response.
The Resurrection (John 20:1–10) — Listen (Free) | Download MP3 (Free)
Christians today celebrate Easter Sunday with joy, knowing that the Lord Jesus is risen, but eyewitnesses to the event weren’t immediately sure what had happened. The description they provided is based primarily on evidence, not emotion, and we must employ both faith and reason to understand it. Using the Apostle John’s account of the resurrection, Alistair Begg encourages us to thoughtfully consider the scriptural record and to respond in faith, affirming that “He is risen indeed!”
Christ Has Been Raised (1 Corinthians 15:1–15) — Listen (Free) | Download MP3 (Free)
The foundation for all Christian faith and teaching—and the source of all meaning in life—can be found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Alistair Begg draws these truths from a key passage in 1 Corinthians 15 and explains how the good news of the Gospel must include both a dying Savior and a risen, living Lord. Our understanding of Jesus’ resurrection forms the basis from which we each answer two important questions: Do I believe in Jesus? and Do I belong to Him?.
If There is No Resurrection… (1 Corinthians 15:29–34) — Listen (Free) | Download MP3 (Free)
The Resurrection is often a stumbling block for skeptics. Sometimes, we may even be inclined to share the Gospel without mentioning Christ’s return from death. Paul, however, taught that when we remove Christ’s resurrection and His promise of new life in Him, then we render our faith meaningless. Tracing a line through Scripture, Alistair Begg affirms the truth and centrality of the Resurrection. What we believe about the future will directly impact how we behave in the present.
Related resources: “Easter Letter from Alistair Begg and Related Content”