John Piper recently stirred up some controversy when he explained that he does not believe women should be teaching men in seminary who are training for the pastorate. Jimmy and Joe jump into the conversation in this bonus episode.
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The Danger of Idealism
Joe and Jimmy are back after taking their kids to see two very different kinds of movies. In this episode they talk about idealism in ministry and how it can become dangerous if untethered from reality. How do we hold on to our biblical convictions while adapting to the demands of a growing church? Can one be both faithful and flexible in church ministry? This is another example of the guys thinking out loud. We'd love to have you join the conversation, so it fly on social media.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:
Joe is back from teaching his son to drive, and Jimmy is waking up just in time to talk about the act of confession. What is gospel-centered confession and how is it different from the Roman Catholic sacrament of confession? What does confession accomplish, and how do we do it well? THE 2020 DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION CONFERENCE Doctrine and Devotion's fourth annual conference is Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2020 in St. Charles, IL. Our theme for this two-day conference is Covenant Theology: God's Promises for God's People. Dr. Sam Renihan will be our keynote speaker, joined by Joe Thorn and Jimmy Fowler, walking us through the biblical covenants between God and his people. For all the details and to register click the link below. For all the links and show notes visit this podcast at — Inquiries:
The Third Commandment
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