Stop Preaching the Pietism ‘Gospel’

If you are directed inwardly to find the comfort and assurance that Christ has saved you from your sin, you will be of all men most miserable. Jon and Justin have spoken about pietism and its effects on the Christian life in many episodes of Theocast. This is a compilation of the most informative and helpful portions of those episodes, with the aim of being extremely clear on where we stand, what problems we see with pietism, and the subtle yet devastating fruits of the pietism ‘gospel’ within the local church.

Here’s a list of the episodes featured in this compilation:

What is Pietism? | Theocast

What Robs Us of Joy? | Theocast

NOT Sinning Is NOT the Purpose of Your Life | Theocast

The Prove Yourself Gospel | Theocast

Leaving Pietism | Theocast

How Pietism Ruins Good Works | Theocast

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