00:09:55 – Jurgen Matthesius Explains What Prophecy Is
00:37:99 – Kris Valloton Narigetes Christmas Too
00:50:23 – T.D. Jakes Reveals What God Wants for Christmas
01:02:04 – Sermon Review: Stretchy Pants – Wear Your Own Pants by Staci Capaldi
00:09:55 – Jurgen Matthesius Explains What Prophecy Is
00:37:99 – Kris Valloton Narigetes Christmas Too
00:50:23 – T.D. Jakes Reveals What God Wants for Christmas
01:02:04 – Sermon Review: Stretchy Pants – Wear Your Own Pants by Staci Capaldi
A Reading from the Church Fathers to help you understand the historic Christian faith. Enjoy and Be Edified.
Methodists Say NO to Lutheran Gay Clergy
Evangelical Christians Now Thanking Allah
Humanists Call For Boycott of Noah’s Ark Zoo
Nadia Bolz-Weber Waxes Facile Regarding Psalm 45
Romans 2-3
Sermon Review: “You Shall Decree a Thing”
In this episode Chris Rosebrough interviews Brian Wolfmueller on Rick Warren’s false teaching regarding sanctification and how it imposes strings and conditions on Christian salvation. This is a hard hitting episode that exposes Rick Warren’s purpose driven religion of works and how its become a ‘different and false gospel’.