As we begin a new year, we wanted to present some thoughts on deep reading in 2021. John highlights resources for taking a long soak in one book of Scripture, the strengths and weaknesses of reading all the works of one Christian author, and much more. You can find links to everything mentioned at
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Spiritual Counsels II
Show Notes:
In this second episode of our series on Thomas Charles’ essays, we look at the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer, particularly in regards to loving conviction of sin.
Thomas Charles II: The End of Pride
Pride has been with mankind since the fall. But it will end. Christ will reign victorious over all sin, including this one we find ourselves so often beholden to.
Links to everything mentioned at -
Justification by Faith (Samuel Blair)
Samuel Blair was a godly minister and used by the Lord in the Second Great Awakening. He was also a teacher. Blair was much heavier on the doctrine than the application.
Blair’s sermon is entitled “The Gospel-Method of Salvation” and his text is Romans 10:4: “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”
The nature of true faith in Christ.
The necessity of faith in Christ for justification.
The glory and excellency of God’s method of justification.
Is faith a work? It’s essential, yes. But it is not meritorious. Our faith does not earn us anything. But faith unites us to a Person, to Christ. Faith is a gift from the Lord, but a gift we must exercise.
You can purchase your copy of Salvation in Full Color here:
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