Supreme Court Declines To Block Texas Abortion Ban

The court’s majority, in an unsigned explanation, said the decision “is not based on any conclusion about the constitutionality of Texas’s law” and allows legal challenges to move forward. The court’s action represents a major milestone in the fight over abortion as opponents have sought for decades to roll back access to the procedure and its legality.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -The U.S. Supreme Court late on Wednesday [9/2/21] refused to block a Texas ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, dealing a major blow to abortion rights and allowing a law prohibiting the vast majority of abortions in the state to remain in place.
The justices on a 5-4 vote denied an emergency request by abortion and women’s health providers for an injunction barring enforcement of the ban, which went into effect early on Wednesday, while litigation continues in their lawsuit challenging its constitutionality.
The decision saw one of the court’s six conservatives, Chief Justice John Roberts, joined the three liberals in dissent.
“The court’s order is stunning,” wrote liberal Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a dissenting opinion.
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5 Things You Should Know About the End of Time
If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do? Many people believe multiple things must happen before this ending occurs. But regardless of your interpretation of the end times, THIS final end is sure, and Peter speaks as if it could come anytime. We must come to Christ—fully and deeply—and prepare ourselves. We must live in light of the end, in holiness, godliness, peace with God and others, and blameless lives (which can only happen through our dependence upon Christ).
There is an end to this world. It’s coming. No one knows the day or hour, but it will happen as sure as we are breathing. The Scripture is very clear about this, as was Christ Himself.
The apostle Peter describes it clearly in 2 Peter 3. He tells us what we need to know to realize it is coming and how we should prepare. So, what will happen at the end of time, and what should we do in light of its coming?
Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation.” (Vs. 3-4)
You may be in that group. But Peter gives the immediate rebuttal to this argument. He reminds them God created the world, God destroyed the world by water (in Noah’s day), and this world is now destined to be destroyed by fire (Verses 5-7). He (and only He) has the power to accomplish this.
God is sovereign over this world. It exists because of Him and will be destroyed by Him, just as He promised. And that destruction will be His judgment upon His enemy, Satan (who has temporary authority in this world), and all men who have rejected Him.
Those who deny this ending don’t understand God’s relation to time. He is withholding this judgment for a season in His mercy so that many can come to repentance.
With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (Vs. 8-9)
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Non-Leftist Employees Appeal for Neutrality After Disney is Shanghaied Into Joining the LGBTQ+ Activist Army
The open letter gesture offers the Storytelling world a glimmer of hope. Implications and precedent aside, Disney’s non-leftist employees have brazenly exposed the hypocrisy of “progressive orthodoxy,” and by doing so have drawn a line in the sand, opposing a nihilistic authoritarianism devouring everything in its path.
Non-leftist Disney employees have quietly protested Disney’s move away from neutrality.
The protest was delivered in the form of an anonymous open letter that also aired grievances about the double standards, intolerance, and bullying of conservatives in the ‘progressive orthodox’ woke workplace.
Employees are responding to the contents of an apology given by Disney CEO Bob Chapek to LGBTQ+ groups, which reactively commits Disney to the advance of LGBTQ+ ideas and activism.Last week, Chapek capitulated to hyped-up accusations claiming that Disney was supporting “anti-LGBTQ+” Florida parental rights legislation.
Reacting to the bill, gay activists, and legacy media have (for weeks) deliberately engaged in a misinformation campaign, falsely labelling the proposal of the “don’t say gay” bill. This is despite the legislation never mentioning the word “gay.”
What the legislation offers is curriculum transparency, greater parental oversight, and the protection of children in grades K-3 from age-inappropriate overexposure to LGBTQ+ ideology.
The 1,000-word Disney Employee remonstration began with an assertion of love for the world of Disney, story, and a ‘fountain of wonder that inspires joy, awe, and delight in guests and audiences of all ages.’
However, the authors protested:
“The Walt Disney Company has come to be an increasingly uncomfortable place to work for those of us whose political and religious views are not explicitly progressive.”
They added:
“We watch quietly as our beliefs come under attack from our own employer, and we frequently see those who share our opinions condemned as villains by our own leadership.”
Citing the Florida bill, the open letter states:
“[Disney’s] evolving response to the so-called “Don’t Say Gay” legislation in Florida has left many of us wondering what place we have in a company actively promoting a political agenda so far removed from our own.”
Disney’s dissenters said, they’ve ‘watched colleagues, grow increasingly aggressive in their demands.’ Right up to ‘openly advocating for the punishment of employees who disagree with them.’
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God is Still Filling His Wedding Banquet Hall
Don’t let the media discourage you or make you think the church is irrelevant or out of date. We have a message everyone needs to hear. We want others to know the hope that we have. Pray for God to bring many more into his wedding feast. There is room for many more.
Jesus compares the kingdom of God to a wedding banquet a king is hosting for his son in Matthew 22. Through history, God had been preparing the way for his people to come to this big party. This was primarily the Jewish people through the covenants and prophets and patterns of the Old Testament. The tragedy of Matthew 22 is that a great majority of the Jewish people did not recognise Jesus as the son of the king, and they would not therefore be part of the wedding banquet that God had planned.
The great news of Matthew 22 is that the invitation is open to all who will come. Anyone, from any background, whether good or bad, is welcome to come to the wedding feast. Anyone who comes to Jesus is most welcome.
Now, if you watch the news, you could be forgiven for thinking that the church is an old, dying institution that has no relevance to modern Australia. We have seen that in the commentary around the Andrew Thorburn incident in Melbourne last week. It seems that everyone is lining up to condemn views that historically all Bible-believing Christians would hold to.
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