Joe and Jimmy wrap up chapter 29 of the 1689 Confession on baptism. Who are the proper candidates of baptism? Does mode matter? What about spontaneous baptisms? And what is the “Hell General,” and why does Joe love it?
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The 1689 on Providence (5.1-2)
This is the first episode Jimmy and Joe have recorded since Joe got back from South Africa. So they guys catch up and Jimmy presses Joe on why he was in a South African police station. Then they jump into chapter 5, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the 1689 Confession on God's Providence. If divine providence is “God's ordering all outcomes and events of things, after the counsel of his will, to his own glory” (Watson), what does this mean for the ideas of chance, determinism, and God's responsibility over sin? And for the 10% of you who don't like it, you can skip the banter and get straight to the topic at the 6:28 mark.Support this podcast at — Inquiries:
The 1689 on God (2.2)
Joe and Jimmy open up the 1689 Confession and focus on Chapter 2 paragraph 2. How is it true that God does not need us, or derive glory from us? What is the glory of God, and if we do not add to God's glory, how can we glorify him? Why can God do whatever he wants to and for us, and why do we push back against high views of God like this? Plus, Joe has a breakout, and Jimmy refuses to pick people up from the airport. Have you checked out our new site, It is the best online presentation of the Second London Confession and is designed to look and function beautifully on all mobile devices. Check it out and spread the word. SPONSOR FOR JULY This month we are proud to be sponsored by Ligonier Ministries who are offering our listeners 15 months of Tabletalk Magazine for only $23. That's 15 print issues delivered monthly at the regular annual rate of $23. Plus, you get digital access to current and past issues dating back to 2012. Spread the word and sign up today here. For all relevant links and more check out the show notes at this podcast at — Inquiries:
Spiritual Disciplines with Donald Whitney
Joe and Jimmy sit down with author, professor, and fountain pen enthusiast, Dr. Don Whitney, to talk about spiritual disciples in general, and fasting and silence in particular. What is a “spiritual discipline”? How important are the biblical disciplines for the Christian life? Why should we fast, and why is it so neglected today? How is silence and solitude a biblical discipline? Be sure to check out Dr. Whitney's website,, and pick up his books linked below. Support this podcast at — Inquiries: