The Blessings Lent Us for a Day…

The Blessings Lent Us for a Day…

I have often remarked that past generations of Christians relied on poetry far more than we do today. As I read authors from previous centuries, perhaps especially the nineteenth, I see how often they weave poetry into their prose. Sometimes the verses are quoted from the poets of the day and, just as often, freshly-written. I found this little example, clearly inspired by the book of Job, in a work titled “Brief Notice of a Short Life.”

What’er we fondly call our own
Belongs to heaven’s great Lord;
The blessings lent us for a day
Are soon to be restored.

‘Tis God that lifts our comforts high,
Or sinks them in the grave;
He gives; and when He takes away,
He takes but what He gave.

Then, ever blessed be His name!
His goodness swell’d our store;
His justice but resumes its own;
‘Tis our still to adore.

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