The existence of creation points inevitably to the existence of a Creator. Today, Barry Cooper outlines the cosmological argument for the existence of God, the first cause. Read the transcript:
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Exegesis and Eisegesis
Our responsibility as Bible readers is to draw out the truth from the page open before us, not to try and make Scripture say whatever we’d like. Today, Barry Cooper highlights the importance of studying God’s Word rightly. Read the transcript:
High Places
All of the world’s idols demand that we make endless sacrifices for them. But only Jesus has accomplished the ultimate sacrifice we need. Today, Barry Cooper explains how the idols we encounter in the Old Testament are far more relevant than we realize. Read the transcript:
Whatever questions we may have about the reason behind our pain, Christians can’t possibly conclude that God is aloof from suffering, that He doesn’t care about evil, or that He hasn’t done anything about it. Today, Barry Cooper presents three truths that help us trust in the goodness of God when facing the darkness of this world. Read the transcript: