The Creation Account: Addressing Objections to Literal Days (Part 2)
I believe my ten arguments for a literal reading of Genesis 1 and my five response to objections sufficiently demonstrate the validity of the Westminster Confession (4.1) when it declares: “It pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for the manifestation of the glory of His eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, in the beginning, to create, or make of nothing, the world, and all things therein whether visible or invisible, in the space of six days; and all very good.”
In Part One of this piece, I offered 10 reasons for reading the six days of creation as six chronologically successive periods of 24-hours each. Today, I will answer five common objections.
Objections to Literal, Chronological Days
1. Objection: Genesis 2:4 speaks of the entire creation week as a ‘day,’ showing that ‘day’ may not be literal.
Response: The phrase here is actually beyom, an idiomatic expression meaning “when” (NIV, NRSV, NAB).[1] Besides, even had Genesis 2 used “day” in a different sense, Genesis 1 carefully qualifies its creative days (see points 2–5 in the previous article).
2. Objection: Genesis 2:2–3 establishes the seventh day of God’s rest, which is ongoing and not a literal day. This shows the preceding six days could be long periods of time.
Response: (1) Contextually, this is an argument from silence—one which contradicts Exodus 20:11. (2) If true, it would imply no fall and curse (Genesis 3), for then God would be continually hallowing and blessing that “ongoing day.” In fact, God does not bless his eternal rest, but a particular day. (3) Days 1–6 (the actual creation period) are expressly delimited; Day 7 is not. (This is, however, because the creation week has ceased. To mention another “morning” would imply another day followed in that unique period.) Since this is the seventh in a series of six preceding literal days, how can we interpret it other than literally?
3. Objection: On Day 4 God creates the sun to provide light; but light was created on Day 1. This shows that the days are not chronologically ordered, but thematically cross-linked.
Response: This “problem” is answered in the context. On Day 1 God declares “good” the newly created light, but not his separating it from darkness to form “evening and morning.” This is because the final, providential mechanism for separating (the sun) is not created until Day 4. Thus, when Day 4 ends we finally read: “it was good” (Gen. 1:18). This is similar to the separation of the waters above and below on Day 2, which is not declared “good” until the final separation from the land on Day 3 (Gen. 1:9). Or like Adam’s creation not being “good” (Gen. 2:18) until Eve is separated out of him. Also, Scripture elsewhere suggests light was created separately from the sun (2 Cor. 4:6; Job 38:19–20) and can exist apart from it (Rev. 22:5).
Besides, most of the material in Genesis 1 demands chronological order—even for Framework advocates. This suggests that the surprising order of light-then-sun is also chronological. Not only is Genesis 1 structured by fifty-five waw-consecutives (often translated “and”) that indicate narrative sequence, but note: Separating the waters on Day 2 requires their prior creation on Day 1 (Gen. 1:2d). Creating the sea on Day 3 must predate the sea creatures of Day 5. Day 3 logically has dry land appearing before land vegetation later that day. Day 3 must predate Day 6, in that land must precede land animals and man. Day 6 must appear as the last stage of creation, in that man forms the obvious climax to God’s creation. Day 6 logically has man being created after animal life (Days 5 and 6) in that he is commanded to rule over it. Day 7 must conclude the series in that it announces the cessation of creation (Gen. 2:2). And so on.
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End Times Fiction
Instead of these erratic speculations that attempt to read our newspaper events into Holy Scripture, we have been called to do what the Bible plainly says. Instead of spending all of our time worrying ourselves silly about the end times, identifying nations, Antichrists, marks of the beast, and all of that, we have been called to faithful labor.
Once every year or so, the tin-foil hat-wearing end times internet shamans and eschatology provocateurs will forget they own an actual Bible and will latch on to some new issue or story in culture, and then spray their poorly exegeted conclusions like a drunk man behind a machine gun. For instance, the current war between Russia and Ukraine is said to be a sign that Gog and Magog are on the move and the end is about to happen. Well, this is about the 10th time a Russian offensive has been applied to Ezekiel 38 in the last decade, each time being proven false.
But, error in calculations is not a new thing for the “end-times movement,” which boasts a perfect zero percent accuracy rating. For instance, a couple of years ago, memes abounded calling the vaccine the mark of the beast. Before that, Bitcoin was going to be the one world currency of Antichrist’s empire. And if you go back in time, you will see books written to convince us that Anthony Fauci, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, George Soros, Sadam Hussein, Fidel Castro, Adolph Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and even the Pope were all the actual Antichrist…
This of course is riddled with problems.
The first and most obvious problem with these predictions is that none of them have come true! Think about it, after 2000 years of fringe Christian future-oriented prophecies, not a single one has had any merit. After tens of thousands of swings and misses, the “end times community” has yet to get a single one of them right, which means they have amassed even less trustworthiness than Michael Jackson as a babysitter. You would have better odds submitting a blank Powerball card at a gas station than thinking any of these predictions would ever come true. We simply must not continue going along with these silly fables when none of them have panned out yet.
Second, since the punishment for false prophets is death by stoning, we ought to – at a minimum – think long and hard before running after the next sensationalist with a microphone. Better to follow serious biblical thinkers and scholars than a few wild-eyed firebrand rabble-rousers on YouTube.
Third, this kind of newspaper exegesis appeals to our carnal sensations of fear by taking today’s headlines, which is truly frightening, and then giving those stories eschatological significance. We have been conditioned to think the world is always getting worse, Satan is always winning, and that we are just a few bad news cycles away from Armageddon. None of these things are true in Scripture, but this way of reading the Bible (eisegetically) appeals to our carnality.
Fourth, this kind of thinking – in general – reveals that we are not a biblically literate or thinking people anymore. For instance, a careful and faithful theologian today can barely sell books (no matter the topic), while the health and wealth charlatans, the heaven and hell tour guides, and the eschatology hucksters who peddle the latest end times fiction, all get fat and rich off their foolishness. In some ways, we must admit that the product being slung, says a lot about the consumer. American Christians – as a whole – have become enamored by the basest rubbish a publishing company can produce when the Bible speaks clearly and sufficiently on these issues.
Maybe you are wondering, geez Kendall, what has your knickers in such a knot? Well, I am sick and tired of eschatology agitators striking fear in the hearts of God’s people. While the blind goes on shooting flaming arrows in all directions, hoping to someday hit a bullseye, pastors in the trenches are quietly and patiently dealing with all the wounds these fools have created. We are the ones who have to clean up their mess, and carefully attempt to undo the fallacious thinking they have spread around like anthrax. And sadly, many believers will hold so tightly to their “Left Behind” / “Late Great Planet Earth” traditions, they will never see it for what it is, a lie and a dangerous fiction.
And perhaps you will retort, but Kendall, I saw a meme about it on Instagram… I watched a Tik Tok that was shot live from a corn farmer’s bomb shelter in Iowa, and he had charts to prove it… I watched a VHS tape or heard the mutterings of my closest friends saying that some pastor told them that Gog and Magog from the book of Ezekiel must be Russia and that Daniel 11 confirms the end is now!
And while I want to be very careful discounting meme theologians on Instagram, chart hockers on TikTok, your friends, or even farmer Joe in Iowa, as maybe not being true scholars of eschatology (snark included), I do want to affirm that I understand why you are afraid. I really do.
We live in a world filled with sin and sinful people. That is terrifying enough. Then when you add menacing autocrats like Vladimir Putin, who sit on top of the world’s largest supply of nuclear weapons, I would consider you to be a very reasonable person for expressing genuine concern. But just because it is reasonable to be concerned about a twenty-first-century event in Western Europe, does not mean we have to turn to unreasonable explanations to help us understand it. Furthermore, just because something is important in our day, does not mean it must have a corresponding biblical prophetic event, that we have to decode to understand the signs of the times. God did not write the Bible like the back of a cereal box and give us current events as our decoder rings. He wrote it to be understood!
With that, I would like to address the current Russian invasion of Ukraine and show that this is not an end-time event. I won’t be focusing on the play-by-play gory details that are going on in-country. As you have already discovered, getting accurate news right now is almost impossible and I do not want to be given over to speculation. My goal in addressing this topic is to help Christians decouple events like this from end-times madness and fear and view it as it is.
Then, in conclusion, I want us all to remember a few good old biblical truths that will calm our hearts, dispel our fears, and will remind us what we have been called to spend our time and energy on. And spoiler alert, it is not trying to figure out the identity of Gog and Magog.
My goal in this section is not to exhaustively deal with these passages. We could spend weeks going through them and still not be settled on the exact identity of Magog, that Ezekiel is referencing. That pursuit would almost surely take us outside of our aim for this post. My goal, however, is to show that this passage, as many are currently claiming, is not about modern Russia. In fact, as we will see, it can only be speaking about an ancient nation.
With that, let’s dive in.
The context for Ezekiel 38, is Ezekiel 37, which is a prophecy of the Messiah’s first coming. When Jesus comes, His purpose will be to bring spiritual life to His elect people who are described as a valley of dry bones (Ez. 37:1-10). The text says the graves will be opened (v. 12), which was fulfilled at the crucifixion of Jesus (Mt. 27:52), and gives us a time frame for this prophecy.
The text also prophecies that the Son of Man will put His Spirit into His people (v. 14), which we know occurred at Pentecost (Acts 2), further limiting the fulfillment of this passage to the first century. Further, the text predicts that Judah and Israel would be reunited under one messianic King, which seems complicated until you remember the early church was a mix of Jews from Judah, Gentiles that Paul claimed were grafted into the Israel of God (Gal. 6:16), all being led by one King from the line of David, whose name is Jesus. This King will bring His people together into one nation and will keep them in Yahweh’s presence forever (v. 28), which is certainly what Christ has done for us as a Church. In Christ, we are one people, gathering as one nation, with one citizenship, with one purpose, which is to commune with the triune God in our gathering (Mt. 18:20) When you understand this biblically, you will see that all of Ezekiel 37 is a prophecy about the first coming of Christ where He elected for Himself a nation, an army, and a bride that will be known as His Church.
When we come to the very next chapter of Ezekiel, it would be reasonable to assume that it flows naturally from Ezekiel 37 unless we have clear biblical evidence to say otherwise. What would be entirely unnatural, on the level of a tree frog mating with a great white ape, would be to insert a 2500-year gap in this text, with no biblical warrant for doing so. And yet, this is exactly what the end-time prognosticators have done.
David Jeremiah, who typifies this exceptionally bad scholarship says this entirely ludicrous statement:
“Approximately 2,500 years ago Ezekiel predicted specific events that will occur in Russia’s future. He begins Ezekiel 38 with a long list of nations that will attack Israel. None of these nations are called Russia; that name is not found anywhere in the Bible. However, the reference to Rosh in verse 2 is a shortened version of the word Russia. This can be determined linguistically and geographically. The Bible describes Rosh as being far to the north of Israel, which was the reference point for Ezekiel’s original audience.”
Dr. Jeremiah advances the claim that Ezekiel, with no logical or textual warrant for doing so, ignored his previous train of thought and bull-rushed into the modern world, narrowing his focus upon twenty-first-century Russia. To support such an outlandish claim, he misinterprets the word “Rosh” in verse 2, which normally means “prince” in Hebrew, to be some ancient form of the word Russia. Apparently, because it looks like the English word, it must actually be that same English word! Such logic gets us into some fairly odd situations when we take other Hebrew words like “Niagara” and assume they also allude to modern-day locations (like a waterfall in Canada) when the real word means toilet roll dispenser. That kind of logic clearly stinks, no pun intended.
Dr. Jeremiah continues this confusing line of thinking, saying:
“Persia is (also) mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 and about 35 more times in Scripture. In 1935, Persia changed its name to Iran. Then in 1979, it became the Islamic Republic of Iran. Today, Russia is Iran’s strongest ally and Israel’s strongest enemy. This alliance will continue in the latter days.”
So, just so we are tracking… An easily avoided mistranslation of “Rosh” proves that the end times must go through modern-day Russia? Then, a real ancient empire called Persia, can’t mean what it actually means, but instead, it must mean the modern-day state of Iran?? And this proves that a Russia-Iranian coalition will storm into Jerusalem, beginning the great tribulation??? Forgive me while my head spins, but how has any of this been proven?
To bolster what some might call a point, David Jeremiah goes through the other names listed in Ezekiel 8 (Meshech and Tubal), showing how they too must have modern-day equivalents that Ezekiel and his audience would have known about, and that these nations will also join in a future Russian led federation against modern-day Israel that will more than likely, both probably and most definitely, will almost certainly have a good possibility of, beginning when modern Russia invades Ukraine… Right?
This very astounding way of establishing a point has no biblical warrant whatsoever to support it and would be as relevant to Ezekiel’s audience as a Model S Tesla. But, David Jeremiah, eschatology expert said it, so it must be accurate, right? Hardly.
To disprove this line of thinking, one need only look at the biblical description. A novel concept, in such an age of speculation, I know. When we do that, when we honestly look at Ezekiel 38, whoever this army is, we see that it cannot be modern-day Russia… Or any other modern army for that matter.
I will demonstrate this with five simple observations from Ezekiel 38.
In Ezekiel 38, an army named Magog rises up against the people of God, and God Himself says that He will punish them. For fighting against His people, the Lord says that He will have hooks put in this Magog army’s jaws as a form of divine punishment (v. 4). This kind of torture was fairly common in the time of ancient Assyria and Persia, who prided themselves in dragging victims behind chariots and horses for public sport. That God would adopt such a specific kind of punishment would seem like perfect retribution on the enemies of God, who invented the punishment, it would seem encouraging to the people of God, and would have immediate relevance for Ezekiel and his audience.
If this were to apply to Russia, As Jeremiah has said, then the current invasion of Ukraine (that they aren’t doing too well at) would need to be the first among many successful invasions to establish the old Soviet Union. Supposing Russia had the funds and military might to accomplish this, they would also need to defeat all of NATO powers, who would be forced to respond (via article 5) when Poland, Belarus, or the Baltic states were invaded. This means Russia would need to defeat the United States along with 29 other nations, all before assembling the Soviet Union.
At some point, after they successfully run the gauntlet with the world’s most powerful nations, arising the victor of what must be World War Three, they would then need to march to Israel with Iran (as our end times scholar has mused), all to be defeated in Israel. Once that defeat was complete, Israel would need to adopt a 2500-year-old torture method that was common in Ezekiel’s day, inserting rather large lip rings into the Russian army’s jaws, and dragging them about publicly for sport. You could imagine whatever media was left, all getting coverage of the poor Russian armies being dragged about like puppets for the remaining world to see.Since we know this kind of torture was common in the ancient world, relevant to Ezekiel’s day, and relevant to his prophetic situation, I find no reason to dream up a Russian myth just to make this modern.
After the hooks, God will bring out the entire Magog army, both it’s horses and riders, who are splendidly attired with small metal shields and swords (v. 4). We know from history that ancient peoples in Ezekiel’s day, and the Persians after his day, fought on horseback with these kinds of buckler shields and swords. It should go without saying that none of the Russians rode into Ukraine on horses. And, it should also go without saying that these “horses” are not metaphors for tanks. If we reduce human language to that kind of whimsical farce, we may as well go ahead and buy our dream home in Wonderland right beside the white rabbit, because we would have lost all sense of reality.
This battle apparently happens inside the nation of Israel, who is described formerly as “a continual waste” with its people being scattered throughout the nations (v. 8), but who would be drawn back to the land before this war. This just simply cannot apply to modern Russia or Israel. For starters, the current war that dominates our news cycles is not in Israel or even about Israel. But even if it were, modern-day Israel is not the kind of unoccupied wasteland Ezekiel is describing, but a thriving metropolitan nation, with a bustling economy, and paradise-like topography. Nothing at all about the current nation of Israel resembles Ezekiel’s vision. That description, of wastelands, and scattered peoples, returning to their homeland to rebuild a temple already happened! An event that occurred after Jerusalem was sacked by Babylon and the land lay empty for 70 years before the people returned and built the temple under Ezra. This return happened in 3 stages, which is also consistent with Ezekiel 38 and looks nothing like the reconstitution of the secular Jewish state today.
After the battle, the nation of Gog was accused, by God, of wanting to plunder Israel for her cattle (v. 12). This would make good sense in an ancient setting since cattle would have been an excellent commodity for any people to acquire as the spoils of war, and Israel was certainly known for her livestock, making her a fit target. Yet, Israel – by no stretch of the imagination – is known for its surplus herds of cattle today, and, modern Russia has not, nor ever would, enter into a war based on how many cows she would bring back to the fatherland. Can you imagine the Russian oligarchs, after defeating the majority of the world’s nations, sitting around a table saying we need more cows?
Can we just admit that the scene most clearly fits in the ancient world?
This army of Magog is said to have come from the north, which must mean modern-day Russia, because surely there has never been a single nation of people, who lived north of Israel, at any time in Israel’s history. That is, until the present day? Again, the logic is abysmal.
So much more could be said, and even has been said by others, but the basic point has more than been proven. This passage has nothing at all to do with modern Russia or any modern country for that matter. It involves a prophecy that is future to Ezekiel, but past tense to us. To go on saying otherwise is to expose yourself as a fraud not worth listening to.
Instead of these erratic speculations that attempt to read our newspaper events into Holy Scripture, we have been called to do what the Bible plainly says. Instead of spending all of our time worrying ourselves silly about the end times, identifying nations, Antichrists, marks of the beast, and all of that, we have been called to faithful labor.
Remember the parable of the talents? It wasn’t the one who worried about the terrible return of the Lord who was called faithful. It was the one who got to work, doubling the master’s investment, who was called faithful by His Lord. The one who was too busy worrying about all the various details of his master’s return, so terrified that he could not even bring himself to work, was the one who had his talent taken away. Our goal is not to live in fear about an uncertain future, but to get to work in the Kingdom of God.
Remember the parable of the ten virgins? The five foolish virgins believed the coming of their Lord to be of such imminent nature, they had no time to even bring their normal supplies. But, when their Lord tarried, they were exposed and left groping about in darkness while the wise virgins went in. The point is simple, we do not stop living, and stop making preparations, dropping everything for the coming of the Lord. That kind of urgency is foolish. May the Lord find us prepared, working, and faithful when He returns.
Do you remember the men of Galilee? When Jesus ascended into heaven, the poor disciples in Jerusalem – having never seen an event like that before – stood frozen and staring into heaven, straining their eyes to see when the Christ would come again. And do you remember what the Angels said to them? They said: “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”
The angels were teaching the disciples and all of us a valuable principle. Do not spend your life staring up into the heavens. You will be there soon enough if you are in Christ. And do not waste your life terrified and perplexed about the news of our day, straining your eyes for secret fulfillments of prophecy, afraid that someone will persecute you, worried that you will be left behind. Spend your days serving Christ. Use your talents well. Don’t bury them in the sands of eschatological fear and speculation. Run the race that Jesus has given you to run, and stop letting internet charlatans whip you up into an end-times frenzy.
Whether He comes today or in ten thousand years matters less to us than serving Him faithfully while we remain. Again, I am not saying that a godly passion to see the Lord return is wrong. I am saying that we must not be consumed with His coming to the point that it renders us immobile! When He comes, the only thing that matters is that He finds us working! Working in faith! Working to build His Kingdom! Working to advance His Bride, the Church, to the ends of the earth! Working to see the Gospel preached in all the nations! Working to see men and women saved, baptized, and discipled! Working to see His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Working and doing the good works that He prepared before the foundations of the earth for us to do!
Instead of being gripped with fears and bound in worries, let Him find us working. Let Him find us being good and faithful slaves. We must stop being afraid and get about the task of living!
Kendall Lankford is pastor of The Shepherd’s Church in Chelmsford, MA. This article is used with permission. -
Looking in all the Right Places
Satan will try intensely to divert your gaze. He will make you feel there’s no time to do such nonsense as to “meditate” on God when all the problems are so pressing. When there are so many “interesting and important” things to look at. So many things more “entertaining.” But refuse his demonic temptations. Mature, Presence-centered men and women have learned to find their center in heaven at the foot of the Throne all day long.
What do you do when …
The world is going crazy?
The culture has lost its mind?
There seems to be chaos and anarchy all around us?
Evil men seem to be prospering?
All of this is affecting you and your family?
Your heart is gripped with fear at where it is going?
Personal tragedy comes your way?
You’re in a problem that seems to have no resolution?
You are confused about God and what He seems to be doing, or not doing?
You feel overwhelmed and defeated?
You are in deep grief?The man or woman you are or will become is determined by where you look. The eyes of your heart determine the condition of your soul. The Psalmist gives us a model. He looked up.
10 So I say, “I am grieved that the right hand of the Most High has changed.”
11 I will remember the Lord’s works; yes, I will remember your ancient wonders.
12 I will reflect on all you have done and meditate on your actions.
13 God, your way is holy. What god is great like God?
14 You are the God who works wonders. You revealed Your strength among the peoples.
15 With power You redeemed Your people, the descendants of Jacob and Joseph.
Notice the verbs that describe his deliberate actions. Each of these takes time and intentionality.I will REMEMBER (twice)
I will MEDITATERead More
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Fools for Christ
Evangelicals need a Biblical theology of foolishness for our generation that will at once “shame the wise” and declare the truth and promise of the gospel. How should that look for Protestant believers in the twenty-first century? Whatever it looks like, it must embrace the foolishness of the cross to affirm that our faith does not “rest not on human wisdom,” as Paul put it to the Corinthians, “but on the power of God.”
The Power of the Cross to Shame the Wise
The Los Angeles Dodgers recently hosted at their ballpark the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, an organization that claims to “raise drag awareness” and increase “understanding of gay spirituality.” This has caused controversy since the men in the organization are flamboyantly anti-Catholic, dress as nuns, and incorporate blasphemy into their “performances.” The Dodgers invited the group to participate in “Pride Night,” but before it took place they disinvited the Sisters in response to online anger on the part of Christian groups and others. The disinvitation prompted what was evidently an even bigger backlash on social media from defenders of the Sisters, which prompted the Dodgers to re-invite the group, and then publicly bestow upon them a “Community Hero Award.”
The Dodgers have reconfirmed it is possible to be craven and sanctimonious at the same time.
Drag Queens are not the only means of challenging moral and social norms in society, or, of problematizing heteronormative bourgeois values, as I would have said had I paid better attention during drag queen story hour. What the left has known and said for quite some time–at least since the 1960s—is that just about any kind of clownishness will do. The clown is a caricature, an exaggeration. His method is to distort some facet of reality to the point of absurdity. Big noses, red lips, oversized feet, effeminate men—does not really matter what is exaggerated. What matters is that you, the viewer, are entertained or captivated or distracted. Playing the fool means not fitting in, usually in a spectacular way.
But clowning is about more than mocking the clown. Foolishness can be a means of persuasion, too. In this case, the real joke is not on the fools, but on the people laughing at them. An effective clown prompts you to ponder the world in a different light, imagine another way, maybe even another world, and to come to see your own position as more strange or arbitrary or absurd than you previously thought. Court jesters, parodists, and drag queens have known this as long as they have been around. Embracing one’s own foolishness in the eyes of the majority is a powerful, and potentially revolutionary tool.
This is where Evangelical Christians have something to learn from the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Foolishness delivers a message to the ones who laugh; it is a tool of persuasion wielded by outliers in society. After generations of occupying one kind of moral majority or another, Evangelicals have forgotten how to embrace and defend the “foolishness” of our own faith. We have spent the past few decades trying to appease the scoffers. The result is that our resolve to stand for truth is weakened in a world hostile to us. We need to recover the art of godly foolishness, an ancient and venerable means of speaking truth, and one that will inoculate us against the inevitable disdain of the world.
Revolutionary Potential of the Fool
In the 1960s, the radical left incorporated clownishness into its repertoire as a matter of course. Reading about it is quite refreshing, honestly, given how humorless and dour so much of the left can often be. Marx was never known for his knock-knock jokes. In recent years, the left’s resentment toward humor has been on full display. The banning of The Babylon Bee from Twitter for mocking left-wing pieties should have been a Babylon Bee gag, not an actual news story.
There was a period, however, during which this was not the case. In 1968, for instance, the left-wing radicals who called themselves Yippies nominated a 150-pound pig named “Pigasus the Immortal” to run for President against Richard Nixon. They were arrested at the campaign launch in Chicago, and charged with bringing livestock into the city. When asked why they nominated a pig for the presidency, one of them explained it was “because if we can’t have him in the White House, we can at least have him for breakfast.” This is fine political satire, suggesting that the potential bacon value of your candidate outweighs the policy value of your opponent. Surely there were a few Republicans that gave a chuckle at the time, even if they deplored the Yippies.
The 1960s and 70s superstar Marxist intellectual and father of the New Left, Herbert Marcuse was completely onboard with this kind of clownishness. Marcuse explained in his jargony though wildly popular writing (every academic’s dream) how all the goofiness amounted to oppositional political action. For instance, he wrote in 1969 that “in some sectors of the opposition the radical protest tends to become antinomian, anarchistic, and even non-political. Here is another reason why the rebellion often takes on the weird and clownish forms which get on the nerves of the Establishment.” This comes from his Essay on Liberation, a title more ironic than “Pigasus the Immortal.”
Marcuse understood the revolutionary potential of the fool, who, by the way, does not have to be as offensive as the drag queen nuns of L.A. to be effective; I suspect that not all drag story hour readers are twerking in the library. They do not have to in order to achieve their goal, which is, according to the nonprofit “Drag Story Hour,” that kids “see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where everyone can be their authentic selves.” This group started in 2015 in San Francisco to shepherd this “global phenomenon” into the next generation; it understands that the defiance of gender restrictions opens the door for imagining a new world. Deconstruct to reconstruct.
It is important here not to get tempted by the pablum of “authentic selves” into thinking this is innocuous. It sounds innocuous, but there is a difference between innocuous and vacuous. The first is unthreatening, by definition, whereas the second is empty and therefore fillable with whatever one wants to fill it with. Vacuous social justice cliches are the Trojan Horses of the movement. Inside the call to “imagine a world” is the moral sanction to deconstruct the world as it is. Inside the phrase “authentic selves” dwells the doctrine of human sovereignty over human nature. This is the logic of utopia: you deconstruct the “structures of power” as they exist, and in the vacuum install a new king. Or drag queen.
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