Join us as we catch up on random thoughts from the last several months as we took a break from recording. It’s random. It’s weird. It’s….us.
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Scattershot (with a life update)
Its our first long-distance episode! We haven’t recorded together in months, so we do a lot of life-updating: whatcha cooking? What movie do you wanna see in eternity? What have you been learning lately? Join us!
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Hashtag Feminism
For many, the #MeToo movement was a pivotal moment of activism that set the stage for important matters to be spoken about publicly. Unfortunately, what the movement has really revealed is that our culture is totally unable to define abuse and make victims whole. Join us as we discuss the ways in which women are encouraged to do that which causes harm by this movement.
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Wallowing is not a Virtue
Ever replayed a conversation in your head and said all of the things you wished you had said in the first place? Ever found yourself stewing over grievances? Struggled with contentment? Let’s talk about the ways we give passes to wallowing & how to overcome this fight with the flesh.
The post Wallowing is not a Virtue appeared first on Sheologians.