The Sacraments of the State
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Calvinsim vs Molinism on Unbelievable?
Calvinism and Molinism are two very different ways of understanding God’s sovereignty. But which one best addresses the problem of evil? James White argues that Calvinism – God foreordaining all human behaviour both good and evil – is the more Biblical and coherent view. William (Bill) Lane Craig argues that Molinism – a view which reconciles human freedom and divine sovereignty – is Biblically consistent without making God the author of evil.
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36 Republicans Vote with All Democrats to Join Senate in Telling God We Hate Him and His Ways
James White, December 8, 2022December 8, 2022, Abortion, Christian Worldview, Homosexuality, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, Speaking Engagements, The Dividing Line In light of the US House of Representatives voting to ask God to make us like Sodom and Gomorrah, like Chorazin and Bethsaida, we talked today for an hour about God bringing judgment upon nations outside of Israel (looking at Amos 1:13) and how the culture of death is the common denominator of all the insane, self-destructive things now being promoted as moral goods in our day. The culture of death versus the culture of life, brought to us by the Lord of life, Jesus the resurrected one.
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