Jimmy and Joe are fresh off a big bag of fried gizzards and talk through 1 Pet 2:11-12 and what it means that we, as Christians, are “sojourners and exiles” in the world. In what ways do we not fit into the world? Are there ways in which we do find our place? As strangers in a strange land how should we conduct ourselves while we are here?
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Joe and Jimmy finally talk about something called, “traditionalism.” Traditionalism is a theological movement in the Southern Baptist Convention that is openly anti-Calvinistic. The guys wanted to jump into this topic because of the increasing online volume of this particular group, and some of the dangerous statements made in Traditionalists' Statement on soteriology. Is Traditionalism really the traditional Southern Baptist theology? Do they only disagree with Calvinism, or do they take issue with other doctrines as well? You can check out the statement here and follow along as Joe and Jimmy talk about it.Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/doctrine-and-devotion/exclusive-contentAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
Reformed or Deformed?
We’ve got a bonus episode for you! Joe and Jimmy talk about the this past Monday and the hate they were getting from a couple of websites regarding their thinking on complementarianism (Here’s the original video in question). The guys clarify their view on the issue in question, talk about what it actually means to be Reformed, and then offer some advice on dealing with personal attacks and slander. For all the links and show notes visit www.doctrineanddevotion.com/podcast/deformedSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/doctrine-and-devotion/exclusive-contentAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands
Joel McDurmon on The SJ&G
As Joe and Jimmy continue their discussion on the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, they interview Joel McDurmon. Dr. McDurmon is critical of the statement and agreed to spend some time with the guys to share his perspective. Plus, Jimmy calls out Ed Stetzer’s goatee, and Joe CRUSHES Dr. McDurmon in a debate on cooking as husbands. It’s a great conversation we hope will encourage further discussion on the subject. To hear the discussion with Tom Ascol on the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel click here. Joel McDurmon, Ph.D., (on Twitter) is president of American Vision and has authored more than twenty books including: Restoring America One County at a Time; The Bible & War in America; Biblical Logic in Theory and Practice; God versus Socialism; The Return of the Village Atheist; and Jesus v. Jerusalem. Dr. McDurmon is also featured in several audio and video lectures on various topics of economics, apologetics, and church history. He has served with American Vision since 2008. Joel and his wife have four sons and one daughter. For all the links and show notes visit www.doctrineanddevotion.com/podcast/mcdurmonSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/doctrine-and-devotion/exclusive-contentAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands