Weekend A La Carte (August 6)

Blessings to you as you work, serve, and/or worship this weekend.
Today’s Kindle deals include a few newer books as well as a few older ones.
(Yesterday on the blog: How to Read and Understand God’s Word)
Closeness Comes Through Fire: How Suffering Conforms Us to Christ
Ed Welch makes some helpful observations here about sanctification and suffering. (Though I’m not so sure about using both Ignatius of Loyola and Martin Luther as examples of the same virtue in the same article!)
Why Taiwan Loves This Canadian Missionary Dentist
With a title like that, I couldn’t help but read it. It’s a great account of a missionary that isn’t very well known outside Taiwan.
The New Public Liturgy
This is a fascinating “video essay” from Carl Trueman. (Note: There are one or two b-roll images in the early going to show just a little too much.)
Sin is Only as Hidden as God Allows
This is so important to keep in mind. “If we have been nursing secret sin and we have not been exposed, that is because up to this point, God has not decided to reveal it. Nothing we do is unknown to God, and in his omnipotence, he could expose us at any moment if he so chooses. Sin is only as hidden as God allows.”
Magnanimity and A Book Deal
“It’s been hard at times then, having been disciplined by God regarding these things, to know the difference between true humility and small-heartedness. Beset with self-doubts and fear of my own pride, and sometimes just in ignorance, I’m often slow to admit I have anything to offer. I want to grab a basket and put it over my lamp because it’s safer. This way I won’t make mistakes. Won’t sin. Won’t be tempted to boast. Won’t fail.”
Clarity from Schilder on “Paradox”
“Some theologians have a reputation for being consistently clear. Klaas Schilder isn’t one of them.” Yet here’s one way in which he was very clear and very helpful.
Flashback: 7 Ways to Ruin a Prayer Meeting
Here are some ways you increase the likelihood that your prayer meeting will miss the mark.