Weekend A La Carte (March 15)
I’m grateful to BiblePlaces for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about their unique collection of photos that can illustrate every book in the New Testament.
Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of good options.
(Yesterday on the blog: Understanding Trauma)
Alan Noble says “there are three grave errors I think we can fall into when it comes to speech etiquette, and we should be wary of each of them.” I very much agree (and especially with the first).
TGC recently hosted a song and video contest in which they challenged Christian creatives to put the gospel to song. The results were pretty good! You can listen to an EP of their top tracks.
I was encouraged to learn that Steve Lawson broke his long silence to express repentance and remorse for his actions. “I have sinned grievously against the Lord, against my wife, my family, and against countless numbers of you by having a sinful relationship with a woman not my wife. I am deeply broken that I have betrayed and deceived my wife, devastated my children, brought shame to the name of Christ, reproach upon His church, and harm to many ministries.”
Andrew Walker shares his concerns with Christian nationalism. “The term is essentially vacuous and endlessly malleable. Today, left and right alike still spar over the term. More than anything, though, the term has proven an unhelpful distraction.”
I appreciate what Sandi writes here about praying for our dreams to come true. “Dreams and desires are like butterflies in our hands. We cannot hold onto them too tightly or we will crush them. But if we hold them with open hands, at the right time, God will breathe the breath of his Spirit and they may launch and fly.”
“One profound privilege of pastoral ministry is officiating weddings. It’s always an honor to be asked by a couple to perform their ceremony and help shape one of the most significant moments of their lives. Yet there are five words I dread hearing: ‘We wrote our own vows.’” Joe Carter explains his dread.
I suppose I could be on dangerous ground here, but I’ve been thinking about this a lot and have been eager to “write it out”…Why is it that some people aren’t saved even though they had an opportunity to be?