Weekend A La Carte (May 28)
I hope and trust you’ll all enjoy your weekend!
If you’re into Kindle deals, you’ll find a few good ones today.
I’d like to remind you that my forthcoming book Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God is now available for pre-order. You can reserve your copy at Amazon, Westminster Books, and so on.
(Yesterday on the blog: The Bible’s Plan for Sexuality Isn’t Outdated, Irrelevant, or Oppressive)
Our Hope in the Ascension
“Of all the aspects of Christ’s work in his state of exaltation, the Ascension is one of the most overlooked.” Kevin DeYoung explains why this should not be the case.
The Sugar-Coating
This is a good article about an ugly habit. “I have some authority to say that self-pity doesn’t get you anywhere. Trust me, I’ve tried it. Even on those occasions when people who really ought to know better don’t recognise the sheer weight of the scars you bear, and you feel like you must delve into the pools of pity to shake them out of their repose—it still isn’t worth it.”
How to Spot a Wolf
“The Bible commands Christians, ‘Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account’. But God’s Word also tells of times when we shouldn’t trust and submit to leaders. What are the circumstances when honoring God means disobeying, fleeing, or even calling out those who minister in his name?”
When Violence Touches a Child’s Life
Here are some tips on helping children deal with violence and the fear of violence. “Rather than react out of fear, we must help our kids by demonstrating an appropriate level of sobriety and sorrow by such events, while exhibiting that our hope is in Christ. The challenge is to find the right balance—teaching young people awareness and caution while equally encouraging trust in a sovereign God.”
Enjoying the Church I Get to Pastor Right Now
I appreciate Darryl’s commitment to set aside thoughts of what could be or of what he might like to be so he can instead focus on what really is.
Loving With A Limp
This is a short article about Jacob and about you and me.
Flashback: It’s Submission, Not Subjection
We rebel in the way we lead just as we rebel in the way we are led. What a mess we are! And what a joy when we lead and are led in the ways God commands.