Weekend A La Carte (October 28)

Weekend A La Carte (October 28)

I’m thankful to Ligonier Ministries for sponsoring the blog this week. Be sure to watch (or re-watch) the Luther documentary which is available for free.

Today’s Kindle deals include a good selection of titles.

(Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for October 2023)

The Half-Baked Sermon: Missing Ingredients in Much Preaching

“To say that some sermons reach the pulpit half-baked would be unfair to bread. Some sermons are barely dough; some little more than a collection of dry ingredients. The sermon, as a sermon, is barely begun, largely unappetizing, not particularly nourishing, lacking the enticing taste and texture of a fresh-baked loaf.” Ouch!

Redeeming Love Has Been My Theme and Shall Be Until I Die

Tim Shorey: “I did go to church yesterday. Funny thing: I’m sure that to anyone who doesn’t know me, my cameo appearance made me look like a bored-out-of-my-mind unsaved husband whose wife nagged him into being there. I didn’t sing. I didn’t stand. I didn’t clap my hands or shout Amen. I didn’t hang around afterward.”

The Definitive Guide to Christian Denominations

Steven Wedgeworth has a definitive guide to Christian denominations.

Where Do We Plant?

How might a church decide where to plant? This article offers guidance.

Powerfully Meek Leaders

Davy Ellison says, “I am amazed by the number of pastors who self-identify as introverts. To some degree this makes sense, because pastors must be comfortable spending long periods of time in their study preparing to preach. But I also wonder whether such a self-designation offers some cover for passivity. Introversion becomes an excuse for avoiding difficult conversations and ducking unpopular decisions. We need bolder pastors—powerfully meek leaders.”

How to Interpret the Bible: The COMA Bible Study Method

Here’s a brief overview of an effective way to study the Bible.

Flashback: 18 Things I Will Not Regret Doing With My Wife

It is a strange and ugly reality that the person I love most is the person I sin against most often. I have never-ending opportunities to ask her forgiveness. While it requires choking down my pride, I know I will never regret asking her to forgive me when I have sinned against her.

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