What Is a Critique For?

What Is a Critique For?

Am I critiquing simply to destroy someone else, or am I critiquing to build someone else up? This matters significantly. It doesn’t take a genius to see flaws. But it does take someone with character, hope, and love to critique in a way that actually makes things better.

Is it to tear down something bad?

Is it to poke holes in something weak?

Is it to add value to something that needs work?

Is it to correct something that has gone wrong?

Is it to finally put someone in their place?

Is it to show people how smart I am?

Is it to keep an appearance of truly “seeing” things as they are?

Is it to avoid the responsibility of offering a better solution?

Is it to confirm my cynicism?

Is it to make a case for something better?

Is it to show a better way that the world can be?

Is it to help someone else see the truth?

Is it to expose the shallowness of something in order to show the fullness of something else?

Is it to break free from harmful views and practices?

How you answer this question determines a lot. It may be any one of these at any given time. Our motivations behind our critiques are rarely as transparent to us as we would like them to be.

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