What Is Our Duty as Christians to Obey Laws Regarding Firearms?

Episode 225 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.

Show Notes


Key questions answered in today’s show:

1. How should we understand Psalm 88 in relationship to Paul’s call for us to always rejoice? Is psalm 88 even the prayer of a believer?

2. How do you understand James 5 on taking oaths? It seems really random in the context of chapter 5. I really don’t understand how this fits with either his warning to the rich or his call to be patient through trials. What are your thoughts on this?

3. What is our duty or liberty as Christians to concede to laws about fire arms?

4. Does spiritual maturity mean that I should no longer struggle with sin?

5. What does Paul mean by working out our salvation with fear and trembling? Does this imply that not everyone who is currently saved will be in fact saved if they don’t do enough good works?

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