Episode 492 | Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions.
Key questions answered in today’s show:
1. What did Jesus mean in Matt 6:23 when he said, “Be sure that the light that is in you be not darkness?” How could it be both?
2. Does Baptism confer faith or grace upon an individual? Or is Baptism a confirmation of personal faith in Christ?
3. I’ve been reading and listening to the book of Romans, and in chapter 14, the heading in the ESV Bible says, “Do not pass judgment on one another.” Though it is talking mainly of food, could this mean more than food? I have passed judgment on others, which is such a struggle for me, because I am reminded of what Christ did on the Cross and that there is no condemnation for those that are in Him. But yet, as I judge, am I not condemning? Could you please help me understand?
4. My friends and I got into a debate the other day about worship. Some of them were saying we shouldn’t do anything that isn’t commanded in Scripture. But none of our churches sacrifice bulls and goats like they did in the Temple, and I don’t see a worship service outlined anywhere in the New Testament. They attend more traditional churches that seem outdated to me. With so many people leaving the church, shouldn’t we do what works best for our culture?
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