Episode 372 | Dr. Michael Horton and Adriel Sanchez answer caller questions.
Key questions answered in today’s show:
1. It says in the Bible that we are going to be judged for our deeds in the body either good or bad. Does this mean we are going to lose our salvation? I don’t know if I’m playing defensive but there is no condemnation in Christ. But I worry about the verse that says we are going to be judged.
2. Why did God recommend a Benjamite (Saul) for King, when the scepter shall not depart from Judah?
3. What specifically does it mean to be a “Biblical Church”?
4. How do I share the gospel with my family members?
5. How do you teach the Core Christian doctrines to children?
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If I Fail to Share the Gospel, Will Jesus Deny Me?
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